Before & After: Dizzy & Confused

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Chapter 7

Dizzy & Confused:

The kiss between Harry and I was still in action when a quick thought alerted my mind. Macy, what are you doing? You barely know this boy! I broke off the kiss instantly with a rough edge. Harry looked at me, eyes completely confused.

"Did I do something wrong?" He stuttered, still looking into my eyes. I scanned my mind for something to say to him, to help him understand what I was feeling.

"No, no. It's just, I barely know you, don't you think this is going a" Still looking into his eyes I noticed the slightest change. They went from confused to understanding, just what I wanted. 

"Yeah, I guess. Sorry." he mumbled while twirling one of my locks around his finger. 

I heard a creak come from the opposite side of Harry's door. I got up from his bed and opened the door quickly. Niall fell onto the floor, Louis stumbled behind him. Zayn held up his hand offensively as if he didn't take part in any of it. Liam wasn't even in sight.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest. I gave them my best stubborn look and waited for a decent response.

"Niall here thought Harry was going to take your V card. I, on the other hand, said it wasn't going to happen. And look who was right Niall? Me." Louis pointed his finger at Niall, giving him an impressed grin. 

Niall shrugged his shoulder and looked up towards me, obviously trying not to laugh.

"Hey, Harry over there likes to get to know people very quickly, don't blame me on this!" He pulled himself up from the floor and Louis playfully nudged him. 

"Seriously guys?" Harry walked up to my side and shoved his hands into his denim pockets.

Zayn was in the background still, laughing silently to himself. I gave him a quick snappy glare and watched his laugh die down. 

"I just met you guys and you already think i'm going to be sexual active? I must have made and amazing first impression." I still had my arms crossed but could feel my self esteem shrink. They didn't think I was a slut, did they? 

Eventually everyone left Harry's room and we all entered the living room again. 

I remained silent while they talked, feeling out of place. 

"Macy, you're pretty quiet over there," Liam placed all the attention onto me. I gave a worried smile and nodded my head.

"Well, I just don't know you all very much," when it came down to it, I really was a shy girl. 

"Well that's fine! You're a lovely girl and we're already warming up to you!" Louis enthusiastic tone filled the room, but not everybody seemed to agree with him.

"Right, Niall?" Louis glared at Niall, expecting a good reaction. 

"Sure." I could tell Niall was still ashamed of thinking I was going to get active with Harry, It just didn't feel like a good time to tell him it was okay. 

"So do you guys like, you know, do concerts and stuff?" this sure got a kick out of everyone. I was so confused, why were they laughing at my question? 

"Are you kidding me? We just finished a huge tour!" Louis seemed rather talkative, but at least someone was talking to me.

"It's true, we're really big." Harry agreed.

I nodded my head again, trying to take it all in. My phone vibrated and I checked the bright screen. It was from my mother.

"Come home, it's getting dark." My mum was a rather strange lady. She's okay with letting me throw parties, but as soon as the sun goes down I have to be home. I sighed and explained to them all that I had to get going, and it was lovely meeting them all. 

After exchanging hugs and numbers Harry took me back out to his car so he could drop me off at the park again in order for me to get my bike.

The car ride was silent and it felt rather awkward. The sun was just disappearing over the hills leaving a pink sky behind.

"Thanks for the ride, and introducing me to your friends." I tucked my hair behind my ears and opened the car door.

"No problem, they really liked you. I could tell." I shut the door and walked over to my bike. Harry followed behind.

"When can we meet again?" the eagerness in his voice was showing.

"Whenever you're not busy I guess...text me?" He shook his head then quickly kissed my lips. 

I watched as he walked away back to his car. I still couldn't believe everything between us had to be a secret. I knew I couldn't keep my mouth shut forever. My parents and Lucy deserved to know, and they deserved to know soon.

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