one//Big House Deep Eyes

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Hello!! Welcome back and thanks again. This is what I imagine Abbi to look like. Happy reading :)

Sophia Mattson

As we drive though the streets, with music blaring through the double bass speakers, we laugh and scream and sing along, receiving weird looks from pedestrians.

Abbi and I pull up in Derek's huge driveway, and she almost jumps out of the car, high heels and all.

I can hear the music from the car, and I can feel the car pulsing along with the beat.

I take the keys from her and put the roof up before locking the car.

Knowing Abbi, she'll get drunk and won't be able to drive.

As soon as we step through the door, the music makes me wince.

It's blaring through the speakers that are located somewhere through the mass of bodies and red plastic cups littered everywhere.

The stench of puke wafts to us through somewhere on the right, but Abbi doesn't notice it.

Her eyes are wild with excitement and wonder.

We are welcomed by people who are probably fifty percent made of alcohol, even though it's not even ten o'clock yet.

As soon as we enter the house, I hear a high pitched squeal, one only possible to come out of Abbi's or Ariana Grande's vocal range.

Then she is gone, red artificially coloured hair flying.

I try to follow the fiery high pony tail through the crowd, but I loose sight of her as she turns a corner.

I suddenly feel pressure on my butt and spin around, groaning inwardly when I see Oliver, captain of the football team.

"Hey th're. You got a boyfriend, bl'ndie?" His breath reeks of alcohol and his words are slurred as he leans in towards me, staring at my bare shoulders and legs.

"Leave me alone, Oliver. Go find another girl to annoy." My checks flushed, I push him backwards as he takes a step towards me and lodge my foot behind his ankle as he he moves forward.

He trips and falls, and I scramble away.

I sigh and walk to the kitchen and sit down on a bar stool.

When I'm on my third drink, I feel a pair of eyes on the back of my head, from somewhere across the room.

I grit my teeth and twist around on the stool, my partying mood gone after my encounter with Oliver.

But my glare turns into a blush as I see a pair of ice blue eyes staring back at me.

Bryce Johnson is standing a few feet away.

He smirks at me, but not the way Jesse or Oliver, or any other guy in the grade for that matter does, like you're a piece of meet they want to sink their perfect teeth into.

He stares at me with curiosity and a hint of interest.

Bryce walks over to me, his gait smooth and flawless.

He sits down, as graceful as a guy can, and leans slightly towards me.

Bryce is yet another beautiful guy in our grade.

He is the typical surfer looking boy, with tanned skin and sun bleached hair that looks like it was styled in a salon.

His blonde mop of hair makes every girl really want to run their hands through it.

Sparkling sapphire eyes twinkle as he grins at me and I find myself admiring a perfect row of white teeth, next to an adorable left dimple.

When he leans in close to me, I see he has a thin layer of rough stubble, which makes him even more desirable, not only to me, but to every other girl in the grade as well.

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