Ramblings And Contests

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  Archie has always been a social butterfly, a chatterbox by nature. He talked on and on about what's been happening with him and the team, about his Pokemon, and his whole thoughts about everyone's perception of him. Maxie patiently listened, nodding and humming in response to the chatty pirate wannabe.

"How's you?" he finally asked.

"The same as you." said Maxie. "Maybe less so chastised than you, as no one pays no mind to me."

Archie smirked. "Lucky bastard."

Maxie just shrugged. "It's me not giving a damn about how others see me. I was clouded by my viewpoint, as were you. Perhaps you should follow my lead."

The former Aqua leader blinked. "What'cha mean by that?"

"Not give a shit about what other people think." Maxie huffed. "We were like that when we were together, right?"

"This is different!" he retorted. "Back then, we were a happy couple, but here we are, separate people! Not a whole lot of people care if someone's gay or not, but they do care when they attempted to destroy the entire region!"

He has a point, Maxie thought.

Archie sighed aloud, scratching at his beard. "Sorry about snapping at you."

"Don't worry about it, Archibald." Maxie flashed a barely visible smile to the taller man.

Archie always considered Maxie to be a permanent frowner half the time, so seeing the redhead smile made his heart flutter. Even after they've broken up and went their separate ways.

  "Ah, it's getting late." Archie said, looking upwards at the twilight sky. "Shall we part ways?"

  Maxie hummed, fingers rubbing the bridge of his glasses. "I was going to the Contest Hall around 8 pm, and it is getting late..."

  Archie nearly leaped off his feet. "Since when were you a fan of contests?" He laughed heartily, patting Maxie on the back.

  "Since forever..." Maxie replied, face burning a bright red.

Archie took notice of his blushing, and chuckled. "'Ey, don't be embarrassed! I love contests myself!" That was a straight up lie.

Maxie seemed to detect the deception, raising his brow. "Oh? I remember you saying that contests bored you to death."

The former Aqua Leader gulped. "Well..."

Maxie sighed. "You don't need to lie, Archibald."

"Well I was trying to make ya feel better!" he answered.

  Maxie nodded. "That was unnecessary, but I appreciate it... I guess I should be going."

  Archie looked down, a way to tell he was in deep thought. "Maxie."

The redhead hummed, his head cocked.

"Do ya mind... if I go with you?"

"You just said-" Maxie was silenced by Archie quickly pecking a kiss on his cheek.

"I know what I said. I just want your company." Archie smiled.

Maxie rubbed the area where the taller man kissed him, utterly flabbergasted at Archie's bold move. "I don't mind one bit at all, Archibald."

Archie wrapped his arms around Maxie's shoulder. "Well, let's get going, Maxiemillon."

The twosome then strolled downward on the paved sidewalk to the pink glowing building of the Slateport Contest Hall.

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