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Maxie twisted the hot water knob of the shower all the way, the water pouring down the head like steaming rain. He then turned the cold water knob, only stopping about a quarter away. He stuck his hand under the shower head waterfall, testing it to see if it's too hot for the two.

With the water to his liking, he stepped in, the warm spray of water pounding down on his head and shoulders. He gestured Archie in, and the taller man followed.

The inside pf the shower was unexpectedly big enough for the two men, something that was surprising to Maxie. Perhaps it was because he lived alone that he didn't really notice how spacious his shower really was.

Maxie reached up the shelf to grab his shampoo, but was stopped by the taller man hugging him from behind. Archie leaned into the redhead's neck, planting a kiss on his nape. The beard hairs on his neck tickled, which gave Maxie goosebumps.

"I love you, Max." he said, before kissing him again.

Maxie leaned against the kiss, a sigh escaping his mouth.

"Love you too, Archibald." he replied, grabbing the shampoo bottle and emptying the lilac smelling liquid into his hand.

It was ten minutes later after they got out the shower. Maxie stepped out first, grabbing a white, cotton towel and wrapping it around his waist. He grabbed his hairbrush, getting to work at his long mop of red hair, eyes focused on the mirror. Archie hopped out the shower, chuckling at the sight of Maxie brushing his hair.

"Didn't know you were fussy about your hair." Archie chortled, a smirk on his bearded face.

Maxie rolled his eyes. "Nothing wrong with keeping up with my appearance." he retorted, focusing on a knot near his scalp.

Archie bellowed with laughter. "I'm just messing with ya!"

Maxie faced Archie, putting his brush down, and put his finger on the taller man's lips.

"Quiet." he hushed. "Everyone can probably hear you."

Archie kissed his finger, removing it. "As if they didn't hear you moaning like a whore during our fuck." he retorted, a huff in his voice.

Maxie scoffed, and left the bathroom.

The two men were now sitting next to each other on the edge of the bed, Maxie in his standard night clothes, and Archie only wearing his boxers. The pirate leaned into Maxie, the scent of lilac pleasuring his nostrils. Maxie said nothing, but grinned as a silent response. He sighed and adjusted his body longways on the bed, laying on top of the covers. His brown eyes were now focused on the ceiling. Archie made a confused noise.

"What's on your mind?" he asked, laying next to the redhead.

"Our relationship." Maxie responded, eyes still looking up.

"What do ya mean by that?" Archie scooted closer to Maxie, his bare nipple touching the redhead.

Maxie exhaled, focus now on Archie. "What are we?" he asked, but more to himself than the man next to him. "Are we... a thing?"

Archie breathed out. "I really don't know for sure, Max."

The redhead rolled to the side, back against Archie's chest. "We are not enemies but... I don't think we are lovers, either."

Maxie sighed into his pillow, then squeaked as he felt an arm snake around his waist.

"Perhaps we should be." Archie muttered into his ear.

A jolt ran through Maxie's body. "Are you suggesting...?"

Archie nodded. "We can definitely make this work again, Max. Trust me on this."

Archie snuggled closer to the redhead, nose gently brushing against his neck.

"I still love you, Max." Archie whispered.

Maxie hummed. "I still love you too, Archibald."

With that established, Maxie flipped onto his other side, skinny arms embracing the pirate. He nestled into Archie's chest, his ear right above his heart. As if the organ was a soporific metronome, Maxie fell asleep, still listening to his now official lover's heartbeat.

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