Early Morning Visit

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The house that Maxie resided in was small and old, but it was at least built near the Contest Hall and the Pokémart. The house only had one bedroom, a large living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. It was burgundy colored, with a large window in the front, which was part of the living room. The door was a burnt umber, almost appearing black in the night time. The colors remind Maxie of his old team, the insignia of black and red to represent the Continent Pokemon Groudon. It's ironic that Maxie would chose this house for the colors, even though Maxie wanted to distance himself from Team Magma and the actions he and his team had done in the past. But every time Maxie saw the color scheme of his house, he felt a wave a nostalgia hit him. Yes, the colors are associated with a team that tried to inadvertently destroy the entire Hoenn region, but they represent the passion Maxie had his ideas for continental expansion. He really believed that his ideas of expanding the land would help benefit the people of the Hoenn region.

Maxie sighed aloud, unlocking the front door to his house. He turned on the lights as he closed the door behind him. He then removed his glasses, placing them in the kitchen counter. He was exhausted. Maxie just wanted to sleep, but he knew that probably wouldn't have it. He might be taken in by the police and questioned, the same fate Archie was probably going through.

Maxie shook his head, and headed straight for his bedroom. He slowly took off his jacket and then began to change into his night clothes. Maxie slipped into his pajama pants before he collapsed on the bed. He smushed his face near his pillow, sighing aloud. In his head, he counted the seconds that past by. This wasn't something that Maxie did to fall asleep, as he is usually out like a light by the time his body hits the bed. The soporific counting seemed to work this time. By the time Maxie counted to forty-two, he was asleep.

It was at 10 o'clock in the morning when a knock on his door woke Maxie up. He opened his eyes, and groaned loudly.

It's probably the cops. He told himself in his mind.

Maxie sat up, rubbing his eyes. He slowly climbed out of his bed, kicking his bare feet into his Numel shaped slippers before he headed out of his room. He yawned loudly as he slowly opened the door.

"Morning officer-" Maxie froze. It was not a cop who stood outside, bu it was Archie. He was no longer wearing his blue tights. Now he was in a simple gray t-shirt with pants. At least his signature bandanna was still covering his forehead.

Maxie sighed. "At least announce yourself," he grumbled, allowing the taller man in. "Thought you were the goddamn cops."

Archie flinched at Maxie's words, but quickly reassured himself. He did wake him up really early, not to mention he hasn't had his tea yet.

"Sorry, Max." Archie said, scratching at his beard. "Just wanna see and talk with you about important things."

Maxie hummed. "Is the talk going to be about your behavior last night?"

Archie solemnly nodded. "Well, the cops arrested me and took me in to ask me questions. I told them my story, how I attacked the woman because of her insults, and said that you didn't get involved at all..."

Maxie's eyes widened. "Archie, that's a lie!" he cried, "I did get involved! To make sure you didn't kill that bitch!"

Archie took a step back. "Easy, Max", he cooed. "I meant involved with the punching and all that."

Maxie breathed out. "Sorry about that, continue on."

"Well, they kept me in the jail for the night before letting me go at around 9 or so. They also said that they wanna see you today, to ask you things and get your side of the story.

Maxie groaned. "I really do not want to be interrogated right now..."

Archie hummed. "They said you should stop by around 11 or so."

The red head sighed. "Guess I better get dressed, then. Don't want them to see me in my Numel house shoes..." He looked down at his feet.

Archie snorted, then laughed. "Well, I should probably go now..."

Maxie nodded, a frown etched across his face. "You should."

Archie stepped back, ready to close the door behind him. "Guess I'll see you soon?" he asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

Maxie turned his back. "I'll think about it." he muttered.

Archie awkwardly nodded before shutting the door and walking away from the house.

Maxie sat down in the middle of his sofa, hands rubbing his face. He was still slightly mad at Archie from last night, but at least he isn't going to be punished for it. What really pissed Maxie off is that he's going to have to talk to them himself. He can't even get off free even though he didn't get physically involved with the woman who insulted them both. He was a witness and a possible accomplice to the police. At least Archie told his side and said that Maxie didn't attack the woman, that was a plus side to this shitshow.

Maxie stood up and walked back into his bedroom to get dressed for the long day ahead of him.

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