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Kaycee strolled absentmindedly into Tim's studio, moving her arms slightly to a song playing in her head. She was on her way to Julian's class and she could barely contain her excitement. She was endlessly proud of her friend for the success he was having with his choreography and she loved being able to support him by attending his classes. Not to mention, his choreographies were always incredible and they fit her style so well.

She opened the door to the studio and walked in, immediately catching Julian's attention. He excused himself from his conversation with Tim to greet her, enveloping the younger girl in a hug.

"I'm so glad you could come," he told her as he pulled away.

"You know I wouldn't miss it, Jules," she replied smiling at him as the two walked further into the studio. Kaycee but her bag on the ground and started to prepare for class while Chloe walked over and joined the two of them. The two girls greeted each other as well.

"Is Sean coming too?" Chloe asked Kaycee while they were stretching.

"He wanted to come but he's at the recording studio tonight," Kaycee said, still slightly disappointed that her best friend and dance partner wasn't able to come. He had wanted to attend so badly, even offering to change the time of his appointment to resolve the conflict but Julian had insisted he go, telling him missing one class wouldn't mean the end of the world. Still, Sean was reluctant. It wasn't until Julian jokingly promised him that he wouldn't partner Kaycee up with anyone else that Sean agreed to miss the class.

"That sucks, especially since Bailey and Josh are at rehearsals with Melvin tonight too," Chloe said turning to Julian, who gave her a small smile.

"At least you two are here, some of my friends care about me," he said. Kaycee and Chloe both rolled their eyes, the latter punching him lightly on the arm.

"You know they would all be here if they could," Kaycee told him, standing up to finish her stretching routine.

"I know, I basically had to bribe Sean to convince him it was okay for him not to come," he said, laughing.

"Yeah and Tati and Mia just got here and I saw Gabe earlier so there are more familiar faces," Chloe said, trying to be positive while missing the hurt that crossed Kaycee's face. It was brief, but it was there and it didn't go unnoticed by Julian. Chloe, as if only then remembering who she was talking to, turned to Kaycee with an apologetic look on her face.

"Kaycee I'm so sorry, I completely forgot," she said.

"Don't worry about it. All that happened so long ago. I want to just forgive and forget," she said, plastering a smile on her face, one that didn't truly meet her eyes.

If she was being honest, it still hurt. Hearing people she had considered friends, best friends even, making fun of some of the most important things to her was really hard and no matter how hard she had tried to forgive, she couldn't forget how betrayed she had felt when she saw it happen.

Julian smiled at her, willing her to be strong. Kaycee often told Sean about her feelings surrounding the situation and bits and pieces had reached the ears of Julian and Josh as well. Never enough to violate her privacy and trust, but they knew enough about the situation to understand how she could be feeling.

"Isn't it about time to start class, Jules?" Kaycee asked, wanting to have something else to focus on.

"Yeah let's get started," Julian said, leaving the two girls alone and clapping his hands to get everyone'es attention. Chloe wrapped her arm around Kaycee's shoulders, hugging her from the side.

"I'll stick by your side tonight if you want," Chloe told her.

"I'd love that Chloe, thank you," she said sincerely, hugging the girl back.

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