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A/N: There's an explanation at the end. Sorry in advance...


Sean scuffed his shoes against the linoleum floor, passing the time as the crowds shuffled hurriedly around him. He kept his eyes in a constant search pattern, looking for any sign of her. He would see someone who resembled her and then realize that it was someone else entirely, his heart leaping only to be let down again and again. He began to irrationally fear that he had forgotten what she looked like, even though it had only been six months that they had been apart, it had seemed like an eternity.

It had been the longest that they had been apart since they had gotten married three years prior. They made every effort to go on jobs together but there were some individual opportunities that they just couldn't pass up. When Kaycee was asked to go on a world tour with Tricia, they both knew she had to go.

He scanned the room again, his eyes landing on a green ball cap with his lewser logo printed on the front. He hadn't even noticed that she had taken it from him until that moment, and he was suddenly grateful for it. Her curly hair was spilling out of it, her smile radiant. Even from across the room, he could see that her eyes were rimmed with red, tears threatening to fall. As soon as their eyes met, time seemed to stop. Everyone around them moved in slow motion.

She broke out into a run, pushing past people to get to him, being careful not to run directly into anyone. He broke out of his trance and started towards her as well, meeting her in the middle in a powerful collision. Her legs were wrapped around him, arms around his neck. His were locked in a vise-grip around her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible.

She whispered his name repeatedly against the skin of his neck, still not believing that he was actually in front of her.

"You're not allowed to leave for that long again. At least not without me," he said. She nodded into his neck.

"I missed you so much," she said, pulling her head back to look him in the eyes. He leaned forward slightly, connecting their lips, six months worth of love and longing was communicated in a single motion. She sighed against his mouth, feeling at home for the first time in a long time.

"Let's go home," he said, pulling back and letting her down slowly. She nodded, grabbing his hand and letting him grab her suitcase. They spent the car ride catching up. She told him all about the tour and he filled her in on what had happened while she had been gone. Even though they were in constant contact over text and facetime, nothing beat talking face to face.

"I need a nap," she said as they made their way into their apartment. Sean carried her bag up to their room, placing it near the closet to deal with later, Kaycee followed closely behind. She collapsed onto their bed with her legs hanging off the side, the exhaustion from her trip catching up with her. Sean toed off his shoes and took hers off too. He crawled onto the bed, pulling her closer to him.

"We don't have anywhere to be, let's just rest," he said moving the hair in front of her eyes behind her ear. She opened her eyes, taking in his features after being deprived of him for so long. She puts his hands on his cheeks, tracing her fingers over his nose, eyelids, then his lips, reacquainting herself with him.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," she said, leaning forward to connect their lips. He pulled her closer, one hand on her waist and the other tracing up and down her back. She buried her hand into his hair, pulling on it slightly, missing the way it made him gasp into her mouth.

She smiled into the kiss, draping one of her legs over his waist, attempting to get as close to him as possible. He shifted under her, facing up while she straddled him, their lips never breaking contact. He gripped onto the back of her thighs, disconnecting their lips in order to trail kisses down her neck. She sighed in content as she continued to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. She reached down and pulled his shirt up from where it was tucked into his pants.

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