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A/N: I feel like this is kind of strange but I couldn't shake the idea once it came to me and I really hope you guys all like this one so here it is...


"Alright," Stephens, the varsity head coach, said, clapping her hands together, "welcome and congratulations to everyone. You're all here which means you have been selected to be a part of the prestigious Simi Valley High School volleyball program. Here, we have two goals. One, we want you to improve. We hope every single player leaves at the end of the season better than they were when they walked in. Our second goal is that you all have fun. While we still expect the utmost dedication, the court should be a place to forget your problems and play, while putting in the necessary effort of course. This year, we will have one student assistant. He is a recent transfer from Walnut High School where he's played on their varsity team for the past three years."

Kaycee looked at Bailey next to her, both of the girls impressed. Someone playing on varsity starting as a freshman meant he must have been pretty amazing. He would likely be a good resource for the team.

"Everyone, please welcome Sean Lew!" Stephens announced, pointing to the line of coaches behind the teams. A boy Kaycee didn't notice before stood there, black sweatpants and a yellow sweatshirt. He smiled at the teams, giving them a smile wave and showing the dimples on his cheeks.

Kaycee had to admit that he was cute. He had jet black hair and dark eyes that she could see shining from across the gym. He seemed to survey the teams, his eyes racing over each person. His gaze seemed to rest on Kaycee, looking her up and down before his eyes settled on her face. She blushed under his gaze, turning back around to face the coach, finding out that the rest of the girls had already turned as well.

"Before we start, we have one more thing to take care of. Freshman, sophomore and JV, you should have seen your captains posted on the list yesterday, but varsity doesn't know yet," Stephens announced, turning to the twelve girls on her highest team, Kaycee among them.

"Being chosen as a varsity captain is a great honor and entails a large amount of responsibility. Not only will our captain lead the team on the court, but they will also be expected to represent our entire program through the halls and through the community. Over the past four years, all of us coaches have been watching all of you advance as players and as people. We are confident that the girl we have chosen not only showcases unmatched skill on the court, always conducts herself in a manner that makes us proud. So, your 2018 varsity captain," Stephens paused, clasping her hands together in front of her, "is Miss Kaycee Rice."

Kaycee buried her head in her hands, shocked that she actually heard her name. She was hoping for it, but she didn't want to count too much on it. Her sister had been captain too when she played. Kaycee would have felt inadequate going home with the same accolade.

Bailey hugged her friend from the side, bringing her back to reality. She thanked her coach, earning a proud smile in return. She looked around her at her team. All of the girls appeared to be proud of her. They all knew that it was well deserved.

"Let's get started ladies, we have a good season ahead of us."


"What are you doing in here so early, Captain?" A voice said, startling Kaycee from her concentration. She flushed, confused as to why he would call her a nickname given that they had never spoken to each other before.

"I, um, I come in here to practice early sometimes," Kaycee said, looking around the empty gym. She checked the clock on the wall above the door. She still had half an hour before she had to get ready for class.

"Would you mind if I join you?" He asked, bending down to grab a volleyball from the ground.

"Sure," she said, focusing her attention back on the ball in front of her. She took a deep breath and held the ball up even with her shoulder. On her exhale, she threw the ball up, snapping her arm forward and connecting her palm with the ball at its peak. She watched it as it sailed over the net, landing about a foot inside the sideline.

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