Part 6

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Jungkook ended up driving all the way to Busan. He had multiple missed calls from the members but he let them all go to voicemail.

He kept thinking about Taehyung. He couldn't get him out of his head.

He didn't know where he was going to stay since his parents moved to America the first year he was in college.

He decided to stay at a hotel and then crash at some relatives place. Hopefully, by then his mind and Taehyung's would have cleared a bit.

The motel he was going to be staying at was called "NIGHT IN". He was only going to stay for 4 days before he left to go see his uncle who agreed (After many pleading and promises he would rake the leaves) he could stay there for a couple of days while he figured everything out.

The only member he has spoken with is Jimin. He did tell him where he was but he made him promise that he wouldn't tell anyone where he was. He could only tell Yoongi since he wasn't very good at keeping things from him.

Jungkook didn't really bring much with him. He only had his wallet, phone, and charger as well as his car. It was dumb of him that he didn't think of stopping by his house to get some change of clothes. 

He was wearing his skinny jeans with a black long sleeve shirt and his white converse. It wasn't the best thing to wear, especially when you are a sweating mess and pregnant. He had 100 missed calls from Taehyung and 50+ messages from him as well. 

He hasn't answered any of them obviously but you don't know how many times he has been tempted to answer at least one call or one message but his mind and hurt feelings wouldn't let him. He was thinking everything over and as he thought about it more and more, he figured he didn't really let Taehyung give him an answer or even a reaction. 

When he told him, he didn't even wait one second and left the studio pissed off supposedly because of how Tae reacted or what he said but he didn't really say or do anything. He wasn't given the time to.

Jungkook couldn't go back now though, he drove for 5 hours straight and was not about to drive back just because of a misunderstanding. He was 15 minutes away from the hotel he was going to stay at. He decided to stop by the gas station to buy some food since he hasn't eaten in over two hours. 

He parked his car perfectly (which he was proud of) and got out making sure to lock it. It was about 2 am so no one was really inside the store which was good because if anyone recognized him, he wouldn't survive. 

He immediately went to the snack section and got himself a basket full of chips, Nutella and more unhealthy things but when he saw them he couldn't resist it. Something in his body was telling him he needed it. 

Once he was done or thought he was done in the snack section, he made his way to the beverage aisle. He got himself some water to drink with his sugar-filled food and got a small bottle of coke. He didn't care what he was putting in his body at the moment. He just knew he needed these things.

He made his way to check out and luckily the man was old and didn't recognize him. He didn't really have anything to protect himself with so he was happy when the man didn't know who he was. 

"That will be 38.51 please"

The man said as he bagged Jungkook's items. He handed him the money and grabbed his bag leaving in a hurry not even waiting for his change. He rushed to his car and let out a long sigh when he was in his car safely. He checked his phone and saw that he had a missed call from Jimin.

He immediately dialed his hyung back and it took about a minute before he heard a response.

"Hi Kookie"

The young 24-year-old man cheered. Jungkook heard small kissing noises in the background and they were really close to the phone so it was probably Yoongi kissing his neck or somewhere. 

"Why'd you call hyung?"

He asked wanting to leave the gas station parking lot but he can't drive and be on his phone at the same time so he ignored the feeling that was creeping in him and continued to wait for his hyungs reply.

"Taehyung left"

He said as a moan left his mouth, he heard shuffling before he heard laughter and a bed creaking. It was very obvious what he was doing but Jungkook wasn't going to mention anything. 

"W-what? What do you mean he left?"

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did he leave because he was pregnant? Or maybe he didn't love him anymore. Was it because he had left and ignored him. So many questions were running through his mind right now and it felt like he couldn't breathe.

"He left. He was in the dance room practicing with Hobi hyung when he called Yoongi saying that he abruptly stopped, packed his things and left. We've tried calling him but he won't answer. Jin hyung says that if you call him, he may pick up"

Jimin explained as he attended his crying son in need of food. Everyone in BTS had a child by now but Jungkook. Jimin had 2 kids with Yoongi, Jin had 1 with Namjoon and Hoseok had a daughter with his wife Yin he met a couple of years ago during their trainee days. 

"I can't do that hyung. You know that"

Jungkook replied back, his heart hurt more than ever knowing he was the cause of this but he wasn't ready to confront Tae let alone talk to him. He just couldn't take it. At least not at that moment'

"Jeon Jungkook stop being so childish and talk to him. This needs to stop. You aren't 15-years-old anymore. You are a grown ass man who needs to learn how to deal with his problems. Talk to him or Yoongi and I will and it won't go well"

That was the last thing he said before he hung up leaving Jungkook speechless and no time to respond. He wasn't ready to talk to Tae but Jimin was right. He needs to grow up. He isn't 15 anymore. It was him who got the fight started and it was going to be him who ended it. 

He slowly picked up his phone and unlocked it, a small tear making his its way down his cheek as he saw the pic he and Tae took when they first started dating. 

A small smile was plastered onto his face as he remembered what had happened before the photo was taken

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A small smile was plastered onto his face as he remembered what had happened before the photo was taken. 

He went to his contacts on his phone and his finger hovered above Tae's name. It took him a while but he finally clicked on it. He put the phone by his ear and waited for a response. 

It took about a minute but a voice finally came through the speaker, echoing in Jungkook's head. How he had missed that beautiful voice.


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