Part 8

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After Jungkook reassured himself Taehyung wasn't leaving him and their child he packed his stuff and walked to his car. As he situated his stuff he felt eyes on him. He looked around the Hotel parking lot and saw nobody. 

"You are making me paranoid" He chuckled as he rubbed his stomach talking to his unborn child. He got inside his car and turned it on turning on the heater since it was kind of chilly outside. He fetched his phone from his pocket and decided to call Jimin telling him he's going back.

It took a couple of rings for the small man to answer but when he did, his voice was raspy and it was as if he had just woken up which isn't a surprise to Jungkook judging that he has two kids and one of them being a newborn is kind of difficult so he understood why his hyung would be tired.


Jungkook chuckled as he heard crying and Yoongi groaning and a bed creaking probably getting up to attend the crying child. He was already dreading getting up at 3 am just to change his child's diaper or attend him but he also couldn't wait. It would be difficult though since he was a heavy sleeper.

"Hi hyung. I just wanted to say I am coming back home, I am about to drive right now so hopefully, I'll be there by tomorrow morning"

He heard Jimin yell at Yoongi about putting the diaper on the wrong way and that the shirt is on backward. It honestly made the maknae laugh at his older brothers. 

"Okay, Kook that is great. I- YOONGI NO, CLEAN THE POOP FIR-EEWW DON'T TOUCH IT!!! I got to go, Kook, see you"

The call was ended abruptly making Jungkook laugh, Although Yoongi was older and seemed tough and mean on the outside, he was really just a big soft teddy bear on the inside who knew nothing about kids or babies although this was his second one.

Jungkook turned off his phone chuckling to himself and put it to charge before backing up from the hotel parking lot. He still felt eyes on him which made him worry. As he drove away, a red car appeared out of nowhere and followed him. He stopped at a gas station to get some food and to pee when a strange man came in and secretly followed him around. Jungkook started freaking out and is quick to pay before rushing out to his car.

He gets gas and drives off. He doesn't see the car so he thinks he is fine until he sees he is right behind him. He starts panicking and grabs his phone to call the one person he can think of at the moment. 


His voice is raspy and deep as if he just woke up from a nap, Jungkook starts talking but he stutters too much. Taehyung spoke again, voice surrounded with confusion worried for the younger male who can barely even say a word.  

"Jungkook, what's wrong?" 

He asks as he starts to gather his belongings, concerned for his husband and unborn child. He gets in his car and turns it on throwing his stuff in and driving off immediately almost forgetting to close his door. He didn't know where Jungkook was but he had this urge to protect him.

"T-tae, there's someone following me" 

Jungkook finally says, he hears a car door shut and turns around to see the red car and a man in black walking towards him. He started to panic and started his car driving off surely passing the speed limit but he didn't care at that moment. He just wanted to get as far away as he could from the guy.

"Kook, where are you right now?"

Taehyung asked as he turned left to the entrance of a supermarket stopping to rest and properly talk to Jungkook. He had no idea who would want to follow his husband, probably some crazy fan but he just wanted to hold the younger in his arms and protect him.  

"I'm at Washington Avenue" Kook finally answers as he turns right to a shopping center. He'll feel safer with people surrounding him instead of being alone. He just wanted his husband with him. 

"Now, I am entering the shopping center" he explains to his lover as he parks near a supermarket getting some rest and to catch his breath rubbing his stomach not wanting his baby to worry even though it was barely a fetus. 

Tae looked around trying to see if there was a shopping center near him but instead saw a familiar black car, it was a few feet away from him but he could make out the drivers face. He got out of his car and ran to his husbands. 

Jungkook didn't notice him at first but when he did, he got out of his car so fast he got dizzy, they ran into each other's arms and hugged each other. Jungkook crying his eyes out while Tae kissed his head and hugged him tighter.

(Basically some K-Drama shit)

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left and ran away. I wa-am so scared"

Jungkook admitted as he let out more sobs hugging his husband tighter squeezing the life out of him, his face stuffed into his chest and his stomach in the middle as if their baby was hugging them too.

"Shhh, Kook, it isn't your fault, it's okay. I get it. Don't apologize"

Taehyung explained as he whispered sweet nothings into the youngers ears calming him down. He succeeded as Jungkook's sobs turned into small sniffles and giggles from the elder peppering his entire face with kisses.

"I love you, Kookie. I love you and this baby"

Tae said as he kissed his husband's temple before bending down and kissing the stomach as well noticing how soft it now was. He got back up and engulfed the younger into a kiss who instantly melted into it.

It lasted for about a minute before they pulled away because humans need to breathe because if they don't they die and locked eyes. 

"I'm going to go get my stuff from my car and then we can drive back home together. I'll have someone pick up my car tomorrow"

Tae explained as he ran back to his car to gather his stuff then made sure to lock it before running back to Jungkook who was sitting in the passenger seat. Tae threw his stuff in the back and started the car. 

He leaned over the console that was separating him and his husband from being close to each other and kissed him one more time on the lips before driving off making sure to rest his hand on top of his lovers that was resting on the little bump containing their baby.

"I love you too, Tae"

Jungkook said as he smiled at his husband who gave him a soft smile before turning his eyes back to the road and driving them home.

A/N: Update! I suck at updating. I had writer's block for this one for so long and I still do but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting. I finally got done with all my tests like finals and MAP testing.  Hopefully, I can update on Monday since I have no school.

That is it for now.

Have an amazing day or night

I Purple You ARMY'S

- Snowflake Out -

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