Plane Ride

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A/N Story takes place during the summer after Harry's fourth year and after the Giant war. Follow cannon but Leo is back and Trials of Apollo does n't happen.  This is my first story.  -> Let's start!

   Percy's POV

"Percy, Paul hurry up!" My mom shouted through the apartment.

"Coming, Sally";"Coming, Mom" Paul and I yelled back simultaneously.

   I was just finished packing. Clothes? Check. Toiletries? Check. Ambrosia and nectar? Check. First aid kit? Check. School supplies (for summer homework that I'll probably never do)? Check. Golden drachmas (for IMing Annabeth)? Check.

   We were taking an air plane to England. Apparently mom had just reconnected with her cousin- Petunia Evans now Petunia Dursley. We were going to visit Petunia, her husband Vernon, her angel of a son Dudley and their delinquent nephew Harry Potter. I admit that I was quite curious about my relatives. I hadn't met anyone on the mortal side of my family before so this would be interesting.

   On the other hand I was apprehensive to board the plane. Sure Zeus owed me a couple of favors for saving the world, twice, but I was frightened that he would blast us from the sky.

   I hurried down stairs with my luggage in hand and piled into the back seat of Paul's Prius. With Paul in the drivers seat and Mom in the passengers seat we were ready to go.


We boarded the plane after only two hours of a delay. There was some 'freak' thunderstorm that was making take off a bit difficult. Apparently I was allowed to fly in Zeus' domain without being blasted from the sky but that didn't mean that he couldn't inconvenience me. Paul assured us that a two hour delay was completely normal and that it could've been worse. That was comforting.

After take-off was a completely different story. Each spike of turbulence sent me praying to the gods that we wouldn't be blasted out of the sky. I hoped my father didn't get into an argument with Zeus again. It still was rude to strike down your nephew when you were arguing with his father. Right?

After over seven hours of sitting cramped into an air plane seat gripping with white knuckles onto my seat we finally reached England. I was exhausted, since every time I tried to fall asleep, the plane would hit a nice bit of turbulence and I would be jarred awake.

"Percy, honey, come grab your suitcase, we have to get to the hotel," my mom announced bringing me back to the real-world. Paul's smirk made me wonder if he was glad to have someone else on the other end of mom's nagging for once.

"Sorry, mom," I said, stifling a laugh,"When do we go see your cousin again?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'll call them soon," she paused at the look I gave her,"on the hotel landline. Jeez Percy, you act like I'm new to this."

We were all laughing as made our way out of the airport to cab to take us to the hotel.

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