Order Meeting

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Harry's POV

There were quite a few ways I could have gone about introducing my cousin to the Weasleys. Invading the privacy of said cousin. . . Not really how I wanted to begin those introductions. I was quickly interrupted as I tried to comprehend how awfully unprepared I was for this situation.

"Wingardium leviosa!" Fred quickly aimed at Percy's planner as he went to grab for it.

Percy let out a yelp of surprise as his planner shot up towards the ceiling and barely out of his grasp. He took a careful step backwards and held his arms out in surrender. Fred was still holding his wand out, pointed loosely at Percy, but he and the rest of the Weasley siblings were just as shocked by Percy's careful reaction to such simple magic as I was. Ron was surprisingly the first to react on the issue.

"Fred, just put the wand down."

   Ginny's eyes lit up in realization which was a look that was likely mirrored on my own face. Percy was a muggle, and had no possible way to defend himself from magic of any form. Though I must of had a concussion when I saw a 'sword' a day or two ago. . . Fred carefully put his wand down and I watched Percy slowly deflate, losing his guarded stance and beginning to blush in slight embarrassment.

"Sorry-" Fred began, holding his arms out is placating manor.

"-You're good, man," Percy swiftly interrupted, looking up at his still-levitating planner, "I'm guessing you wanted to know about Annabeth?"

I nodded along with the rest of the Weasley kids, wondering who exactly could make Percy get that dreamy look that he had in his eyes. Ginny looked especially interested in hearing this story, though she did look slightly disappointed that Percy had a girlfriend. Fred and George looked intrigued, since neither of them had been in a serious relationship, though Fred still looked rather apologetic. Ron's expression was mostly unreadable, but he was still looking at Percy as if gauging If Percy was okay from his recent panic.

   Percy sat down next to me on the bed that I occupied, maneuvered the pillows behind me and carefully elevated my still-injured ankle up onto his lap. This was probably a good move on his part as I was feeling rather worn out from the magic used to fix a majority of my injuries. Ron looked slightly amused by Percy's mothering, if not a bit smug, but at the moment I couldn't bother to be abashed at the situation.

"-It's funny, really," Percy started, developing the affectionate tone that I was beginning to associate with his girlfriend, "the first time we met I passed out a moment later. . . She did look like a princess though-"

Ron's POV

After Percy finished gushing about his girlfriend, we began a tournament of wizard chess. It was funny, though, because he seemed to be leaving out important details in every example. It was odd, though, considering he didn't really seem to be lying either.

Another thing that seemed off about Percy was his reaction to magic. I actually felt kinda guilty that I took so long to realize what was going on- and embarrassed that neither Fred, George nor Ginny realized either. Harry could probably be excused, he hadn't suffered through all of Dad's lectures about not using magic on muggles. Even without a wand, wizards still had some form of protection against magic. It made sense that Percy freaked. He couldn't do anything.

On the other hand, wizards chess didn't seem to phase him in the slightest. Which, just by looking at Harry's expression, was more notable then a floating diary (it wasn't a planner, no matter what he said).

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