Grimmauld Place

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A/N -Thank you all for reading. This chapter, like all of the previous takes place earlier in the summer than what happens in the book. This means Harry isn't as angry with everyone, and that Percy and Mr. Weasley haven't had their row yet. I have a good idea on where I'm going with the plot, but new comments and ideas for the plot are welcome. <3

Sirius' POV

   Pacing, back and forth. That was all I could do as I waited for Remus and the other members of the Order of the Phoenix who were part of Harry's 'guard' to return. 'Why was it taking them so bloody long?' I wondered as I waited for my godson to arrive. Something must've gone wrong. This was an easy mission; just get the Dursleys out of the house, get to Harry and leave. I began to panic at the thought of something happening to Harry, before getting interrupted by a voice from the kitchen.

"Sirius, stop pacing and come in and eat," Molly Weasley requests, though it wasn't like she'd take 'no' for an answer.

I was stuck living at my lovely childhood home, No 12, Grimmauld Place. The Weasley's had been stopping by along with the other Order members. Though it was nice to have company, I was getting sick of Molly's frequent criticism towards me in my own home. Snape was also here all too often for my liking and liked to announce that he was doing something useful while I wasn't allowed out of the house.

I walked into the kitchen, a bit annoyed that I was being bossed around in my own home, and sat down to eat. The rest of the Weasleys (except for Percy Weasley, who was working at the ministry) filed into the kitchen to join me for lunch. I always appreciated their company, but they were at the house so often I was wondering if they would just move in. Soon, our late lunch was rudely interrupted by someone struggling to open the front door.

"Sirius, go get Madam Pomfrey!" Yelled a voice, Remus's voice, as the door finally opened.

   I didn't waste anytime. I ran to the Floo, dropped in some floo powder, yelled 'Hogwarts Hospital Wing' and stepped into the fireplace. 'Who could get injured on such a simple mission,' I wondered. 'Were there Death Eaters involved? '

"Madam Pomfrey! Someone got injured on a mission!" I said, sounding quite panicked.

She gave me a quick nod and grabbed some medical supplies and potions, that she had probably just restocked, and motioned for me to follow her through the floo. As I followed her back through the floo, I felt a great feeling of dread in my gut. Who was injured, and how?

When we arrived back at Grimmauld Place a few seconds later, the 'living' room was crowded. I searched to find who was injured. Looking around I saw a bunch of Order members - mostly Harry's guard- and some winged horses that were walking towards the front door as if they were going to leave (though I was unsure of why they were in the house in the first place). I also saw Molly and Arthur hovering near one of the couches. Where was Harry? Who was injured? I glanced around the room again and noticed some messy black hair sticking up from the couch near Molly and Arthur. My breath caught. Harry was injured? Was it Death Eaters?

"Everyone, OUT!" Madam Pomfrey commanded, bringing me back to reality. She looked unnerved as she began to examine Harry.

   I still stood in place, frozen and horrified for a couple moments, while everyone began to shuffle out of the room. I couldn't believe that he had been hurt like this. I was supposed to protect him; and here he was: unconscious, struggling to breath, with what looked like multiple broken bones. I pondered this for a moment before I felt Remus' hands on my shoulders, gently pushing me out of the room.

"What happened to him?" I asked desperately. I still couldn't help but wonder if Harry had been attacked by Death Eaters.

"It wasn't Death Eaters," Remus assured, as if reading my mind, "he was like that when we got there."

"Pardon?" I said, not at all reassured. If it wasn't Death Eaters, who hurt Harry, I could guess who it was. I had never imagined that Harry had a childhood like mine.

"I'm not sure about what really happened--" he muttered, trailing off as he tried to explain,"Harry's muggle cousin -or would it be second cousin?- from America patched him up a bit."

"He doesn't look patched up to me," I remarked dryly. I was rather annoyed that the muggle did so little to help- even if he couldn't do any more.

Remus took a breath to continue. Perhaps he was going to the defend muggle, or perhaps he was going to continue explaining. I didn't know what he was going to say, though, as we were interrupted by Madam Pomfrey calling us back in. She began to explain Harry's injuries.

"I've healed up his broken ribs, they were probably making breathing rather difficult. I've also healed up his bruised hand, dislocated and broken shoulder, and his concussion."

Remus had a pained look on his face at the description of Harry's injuries. I don't think I looked much better. But then Poppy continued her explanation.

"His ankle is also broken, but it could possibly cause further injuries if I used any more magic," she added, "But it's already been splinted- pretty well I might add. Did you splint it, Remus?"

"No, it wasn't me. I believe his second cousin, visiting from America, splinted his ankle. He was at the house when we left."

   So that is what Remus meant by Harry's  muggle cousin fixing him up, I realized. My anger dissipated a bit, as I realized someone had cared for Harry. Even if it couldn't be me, someone had cared for my godson.

   I went to go sit on the couch my the window to gather my thoughts. Remus followed suit, picking up a book and sitting down next to me. As I looked out the window, and Remus read his book, I noticed three figures standing outside. A man, a woman and a teenage boy. I was sure that they were muggles, but how were they staying dry? It was pouring out. I let out a silent laugh as I saw the kid mess with the two adults, who were probably his parents, by somehow dousing them with water and somehow drying them off. But then I noticed something odd, even by my standards.

"Remus," I said, interrupting his reading, "this family outside - they're looking straight at us, at headquarters."

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