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A/N: Thank you all for reading! I hope you like where the story is going so far. I plan on introducing other conflicts/issues to the plot, I just feel like both Harry's and Percy's pasts aren't touched on. Please share anything you would me to add! :D

Remus' POV

"Sorry, what?" I asked Sirius, not really bothering to look up from my book. Sure it was a bit alarming, but no one could see Grimmauld Place, Sirius was probably being paranoid.

"Remus look," Sirius said, gesturing to the window,"I think that they're waving at us."

   I looked out the window to humor him and almost laughed. There were three people standing outside in the rain; Harry's 'cousin' and two adults who I assumed were his parents. The funny thing wasn't that the family was standing perfectly dry while it was pouring, which was odd by itself since even wizards couldn't just make water avoid hitting them. The funny thing was the expression on their faces. Only Harry's cousin and the woman were waving. The man was looking around completely bewildered. At least the wards worked on one of them.

"That's Harry's cousin and his parents. Technically I think the woman is Lily's cousin," I explained, causing Sirius to grin at the mention of Lily.

"Well, should we invite them in?"

"We'd have to bring them to Dumbledore to do that," I reminded him. Sirius scowled at the reminder that he couldn't control who entered his own house, due to Dumbledore being the Secret Keeper.

"Alright, lets go," Sirius decided rashly, forgetting that he was a known fugitive, causing me to sigh as I followed him.

Percy's POV

   It was interesting waiting outside of the number 12 waiting for people to come outside. Paul couldn't see the house; and though Mom and I could see the house, we were somehow prevented from walking up to the doorstep and knocking on the door. I assumed that this had something to do with the Mist, or some other type of magic, but I was unsure of what it was exactly.

After waiting outside in the lovely English weather for an ungodly amount of time, I saw two figures in the window of the house. I motioned to my mom and we waved frantically at the window trying to get their attention. I wanted to see if my cousin was okay, and hopefully healed up, but these people were making it difficult. Harry trusted these people, and he couldn't stay near me because of all the monsters, but I was worried. I had grown quite fond of the kid, even if I hadn't known him for long. I sighed in relief as two men came out the door after finally noticing our insistent waving.

"What are you all doing out here waving like a bunch of madmen?" The first man, who had shoulder length dark brown hair, grey eyes, looked to be around my mom's age and had a mischievous look on his face face, and smirked at the other man- who I recognized as 'Professor Lupin'. His light brown hair was graying, prematurely by the looks of it since he didn't look much older than my mom, he had a kind expression and intelligent, blue eyes. Both men had a slightly haunted look in their eyes, much like mine after Tartarus to a lesser degree, though it was difficult to tell which one of them were worse off.

   Both men quickly introduced themselves. The first as Sirius Black though he looked wary, as if he was an escaped criminal or something and expected us to call him out on it. But, that was unlikely. 'Professor Lupin,' as Harry dubbed him, introduced himself as Remus Lupin. Then, they interrupted our introductions.

"Do you believe in magic?" Professor Lupin asked. Both my mom and Paul turned to me, perhaps wondering if I'd seen magic- or how much we could tell them.

   I thought back to my encounters with Carter and Sadie Kane, the magicians. I also thought about Annabeth's cousin and the 'magic' of Frey he used. Then I looked back at my demigod experiences; the healing magic used by Apollo kids, Hecate kids using magic for just about everything, Thalia's pine tree and its protection, my thing with being able to control water and the mist. Plus there was the whole thing with Harry using a 'wand' on the Dementor. Yeah, I might of believed in magic.

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