Advanced Guard

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Remus' POV

I was going to 'rescue' Harry from the Dursley's and bring him to the Order of the Phoenix headquarters. Tonks had already sent the 'award' letter to his Aunt and Uncle so his relatives would be out. The other members of Harry's 'Advanced Guard' as we called ourselves would appearated in, get Harry and his things and ride broomsticks halfway across the country back to headquarters. Simple.

CRACK. I appearated into the kitchen of Privet Drive. Looking around, I saw that everyone else was arriving and making themselves comfortable in the kitchen. Good. Tonks had knocked over one of the plants in the corner of the room with. CRASH! I could hear hurried whispers and footsteps coming from the sitting room. I motioned for everyone to be quiet and I could see Moody's eye spinning. Weren't the Dursleys supposed to be at their 'awards' ceremony today? Who was Harry talking to? I pulled out my wand and pointed it at the doorway.

"Stupidfy," I shouted, as a figure walked through the doorway.

But I wasn't the only one who tried to stun the person. Tonks, Kingsley, Moody and all sent stunning spells at the person's chest. Elphias Doge, Diggle, Vance, Podmore and Hestia Jones were all looking rather scandalized. 'Too many stunning spells to the chest could easily cause severe injure to someone and those were all strong stunning spells', I thought with a grimace.

The person, just a boy really, was knocked back several feet with a loud THUMP due to the impact of the stunning spells. I winced in sympathy for the kid, that ought to have hurt. I stood there awkwardly with the other Order members, unsure of what to do. Then, the kid sat up.

"Thanks for that," He said sarcastically, holding his chest where the stunners had hit. "I'm Percy Jackson," he said, holding out a hand to me,"And who are you all that just broke into my cousin's house?"

   I looked at the other Order members in shock. Who was this kid? Didn't Harry mention in his letter to Sirius that his 'cousin' from America (at least I guessed from his accent) was visiting? Either way, he should've had a larger reaction to the four stunners to the chest. Finally, I decided to answer his question.

"We're here to err- talk to Harry Potter," I answered evasively.

Percy stiffened at this remark. Sure, if he was a muggle this would've defiantly been hard to explain. Some random strangers appearing in your cousin's home and asking to see him- yeah like that's normal. But, I was quite unsure that he was a muggle. He moved into a defensive position and had his hand in his pocket, messing with something. Was it a wand? Was he a wizard? A normal wizard would've had a larger reaction to the stunners. If not a muggle and not a wizard than what was he?

"I'm sorry, but Harry isn't available right now," the kid, Percy said sharply.

"We know he's here, boy!" Moody growled. Percy didn't even flinch at his tone.

"I said that he wasn't available, not that he wasn't here!" Percy said, raising his voice.

Suddenly there was loud THUMP coming from the other room, followed by a soft 'OOPH' and a grunt of pain. Percy looked alert and his face morphed into a rather worried expression. He turned his back towards the surrounding group of Order members and rushed into the next room. I exchanged a confused look with both Tonks and Kingsley' before we turned to Mad-eye, silently asking what was wrong.

"Kid is in the sitting room with Potter," Moody said, sounding a bit more concerned than I thought was possible for him, "Potter looks quite a bit roughed up," he added.

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