Chapter 4

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Natasha's POV

After Starbucks we all went back to my house. For awhile we were all just staring at the notepad until Ash said, "I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" to which I replied, "What?"

"We've been looking at this number for who knows how long. You need to text or call him.", she said.

"I can't ", I replied"

"If you don't I will", She said smartly.

Britt then said,"Trust me you dont want Ash to call him."

To which Ash replied,"HEY!! Shut up."

Finally I said, "You two be quiet! I'll call him if it'll get Ashley to shut the hell up"

"Hurtful", she said.

"Shush. I'm about to call him", I said.

Then Ashley huffed and I dialed Niall's phone number.

(ni= niall n=Natasha)

ni=Hello? Who is this?

n=Um...Hey it's the girl you met in Starbucks..... Natasha.

ni=Oh. Hi. What's up. 

n=Nothing really. Just hanging out with my friends.

ni=Oh. Me as well. I should probably go now.

n=Oh. Ok. Bye.

ni=Hey, listen. Would you like to meet at Starbucks again later today?

n=Yeah sure. I'll see you later.

Then I hung up the phone.

As soon as I looked at the girls Ash asked, "Well.....How'd it go?"

"Fine, I guess.", I siad.

"What's happening later?", Ashley asked.

"You nosey ass bitch.", I replied

"I know, so spill the beans", she said

"If you must know, I'm going to Starbucks again.", I said

Then she smirked and asked, "Why?"

I sighed and said ".... to see Niall."

Everyone except for Ashley had shocked faces, then Ashely said, "I knew it!"

Brittany asked, "How?". To which Ashely replied, "'Cause I'm awesome."

And then I said,"Whatever let's just watch a movie before I go. How about Aladdin?"

Everyone agreed that was fine.

Louise here. RIP Robin Williams :(

Anyways what do you think and think this is it for now..... from me anyways. That's it. Peace

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