Chapter 7

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Natasha's POV

About 4:45 I realized that I was going to have to meet Niall soon so I got up, went up-stairs, took a shower, and changed my clothes. By the time I was done it was 5:24 and I realized that I was going to be late if I didn't hurry. I walked back downstairs, yelled goodbye and don't mess up my house to the girls, and started walking towards Starbucks to meet Niall.

When I got there 10 minutes later I saw that Niall was already there sitting at a table in the back.

I joined Niall in the back and said,"Hey. Sorry I'm a little late." To which he replied, "It's fine I just hope no fans or paparazzi show up or else everything will be ruined."

"In what way will it be ruined?"

"Paparazzi making up stories that aren't real"



"Well let's worry about that when we run into the problem"

"Alright well. what's one of your hobbies?"

I lightly mumbled.

"What was that?"

I sighed and said ,"I said I like to sing."

He replied amazed, "Really?! Could you sing a song to me?"

"I don't really like singing in front of people."

"Please.....for me." Then Niall gave me his puppy dog eyes.

I sighed and said, "Fine but don't be mean about it if you don't like my singing."

"I'd never do that"

"Alright" I said and then sang 'You and I' soft enough so that only Niall could hear me sing.

After I was finished, Niall said,"that was...... AMAZING!!! you should sing at the mic." (A/N Ihappens to be  open mic at  this time jsyn [just so you know] )

I replied,"I don't know. I'm pretty shy."

"Would you feel better if I sang with you?"

I nodded my head 'yes'.

Niall put his hat & sunglasses on along with putting up his hood. Then he said, "Come on" and dragged me up to the stage.

I went up to one of the mics and said,"Hi. My name's Natasha."

Niall put on his best American accent and said, "And my name's Gregg"

"And we'll be singing 'you and I' by One Direction"

I let Niall start since the beginning starts with him and then we took parts singing and at the chorus we sang a little duet. When we had finally finished the song the crowd went wild and I said, "Thank you" and left the stage.

I told Niall, "That was....AWESOME!!! Is that how it feels after you finish a concert?"


Niall's POV (A/N A POV switch was  required for this  next part)

For a little while, Natasha and I were talking when I noticed paparazzi hiding in a booth.

"We need to leave ...NOW", I said.


"There's paparazzi here. We'll leave out the back."

"Alright let's go"

We walked back and asked one of the waitresses if we could leave from the back exit and they said  we could, so we snuck out of the back.

"I'll drive you home.", I offered.

"Its fine. I can walk home"

"I'll walk you home then"

"You don't even know where I live"

"I'm trying to be romantic. GOD!!"

She laughed G odthat laugh is so fucking adorable . G obacktorealityNiall!

"Whatever you say. Come on I'll show you where I live."

We walked for a while until we came up to a big pink house.

"OK well here's my house."

I was about to say something when the door opened and a girl came out running up to Natasha and jumping in her arms.


"Yea... Now can you get off me?"

She jumped out her arms and looked at me.

"Pleasure to meet you kind sir. My name is Ashely Young, Natasha's best friend."

"ONE of my best friends."

Ashely then stuck her tongue out at Natasha.

I laughed and said,"You two are hilarious. Anyways my name is Niall Horan and the pleasure is all mine."

I then took Ashely's hand, kissed it and winked at her. She blushed so hard that her face looked like a tomato.

"Well Nat, I think we better get back inside.", Ashely said.

"Yeah. Probably." Nat replied.

"Well, I'll see you later. Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah.", she said, then I kissed her cheek and turned around to walk back and get my car, lost in thought at how perfect this girl was.

WHATD YA THINK?! Louise shut the hell up. :p whatever. anyways Louise AND Harriet here (we took turns on certain parts) tell us what u think about this chapter and what you think should happen. love ya❤! peace✌!

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