Hello, wattpad readers! How's it hangin? Good? Good! Okay!
So let's get down to buisness shall we.
Now with the new changes with FWTGG, writing the story has become much more difficult and I'm sure you all can see me struggling here so I just thought I should take a moment and talk to you all about what's been goin on.
First things first (I'm the realist), you all know how this story has much truth to it. Many many of the events that I have written about has happened to me and my friends. It's sort of a crazy life I live and I just thought it would be quite fun to share. Lately, however, I found out that my grandma may have a brain tumor and that really set me back, big time. It's been hard thinking that because her father, my grandpa, died from a brain tumor about seven years ago. It's not for sure right now but just the thought scares.
Secondly, school starts up again (UGH!) on Thursday and it's going to be hectic because I'll be a senior this year and I'm actually headed back home to Austraila from visiting my mother in Florida so everything is just sooo crazy!
I just wanted you all to know that I indeed am NOT giving up on this story ... however I was thinking it might be time to take a break from it. I get sooo much love from you all it's just I'm not feelin it anymore. I can't find the inspiration and it makes me sad to think that you may never know what happens to Jake, Carter, and Jessica ... or Ethan's new love interest.
It deeply saddens me that this story has become like work to write. Before it used to be so much fun but now it's changed. If I would have not been logged out of my other account things would be so much smoother but I feel like everything is just going down hill.
I'm sure you all don't care about my problems and that you'll just dismiss this A/N but I just thought it would be right to tell you all.
I love you all so much and just know that I am not done writing, but I may take a break from this story. If I so decided to put the story on hold I will tell you.
Just tell me what you think.
Rebecca: Are you helping Jase make Jake suffer?
Okay I know I can be mean at times but I would never do that to him. I may hate Jake but that's just absurd.
Jessica: do you know this Maiya chick?
No ... though her name rings a bell
Jake: Awesome, thanks for the reply, haha! Your place or mine?
Mine, the guys watch it too.
This is Jacob Parkers, Hi!, I'd just like to tell you that no matter what Makayla ends up doing, just know that I appreciate you all for staying with her through this. I also would like to say thank you because when you read the first chapter of this story, you stuck with it. You all have been with me from the start and it means a lot that you guys actually care about me because I need that. I really do. So thank you. -A.Parkers
Stay Byoutiful

Flirting With The Good Girl
Teen FictionHer name is Jessica. No doubt her beauty's a pain in my ass because I can never seem to get her out of my head. It's not a crush though. Guys like me don't have crushes. We have flings. So why is it I remember her name? I never remember girl's names...