Black and White

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I heard my best friend April's voice yelling out, immediately calling my attention. Every since the merger, we had grown closer than before and I could recognize that this was a serious emergency. Immediately I ran to the concrete pit to see three ambulances wheeling in quickly, the paramedics jumping out of the vehicles just as I answered my page.

"What do we have?" I asked, running up to the third ambulance, the one that was farthest and would take the longest to wheel in if an OR was needed. Without even thinking, I plugged the buds of the stethoscope into my ears and held it to the chest of the patient.

"Building collapsed on while in construction, major injuries to the people who were there, not too many luckily." The heart beat was rapid, deep cuts that were freshly bandaged were already bleeeding through the linen, and I immediately saw a dislocated shoulder while his stomach was swelling.

"Page Callie Torres." I yelled. This shoulder was the disgusting looking shoulders I had ever seen, swished towards the back.

This was not a good day for those people. More ambulances wheeled in and I rushed the guy into the ER barking out orders towards the other doctors. Trauma gave me such a rush, I could do anything without thinking, I had to go by but, and it was all just a reflex. Nothing could make me feel the way it did.

"Hey, stay with me buddy, you're gonna be alright." I told the guy, replacing the bandages on his forehead and carefully peeling the clothes off his stomach. The swelling seemed worse, a gross amount of purple, and there was definitely some internal bleeding in there.

"Ok, you have some serious injuries here, a dislocated shoulder which is gonna hurt real bad. And definitely some internal bleeding. After we pop your shoulder into place, we're gonna roll you into an MRI for some scans in your lower abdomen and-"

"Jesus Panda Bear, you wanna speak English to me please? I can't really think over this shoulder and abdomen bleeding or whatever you just said."

I froze in shock. The only person who ever called me Panda Bear was Gleason Forester. One of my best friends in school.


"Took you long enough to recognize me (Y/N)." He muttered, but his face broke into a smile and suddenly cringed.

"Don't laugh, we're gonna get you fixed in no time. Oh my god Glease, how did this happen? You're too smart for construction, how could this happen?"

My heart broke at the sight of my former best friend. He had always been there for me and I had always been there for him. We lived in the same neighbourhood and we'd ride our bikes to each other's houses every weekend and jump on trampolines or watch movies. We did everything together. When his mother died, I was the person he cried on at her funeral. When my prom date bailed on me, he gave me his first dance and took me with him and his dates. It was so hard to see him like this.

"I'm an architect, looks like a pretty bad one too." He face grew solemner and I put my hand on his good shoulder.

"No, you couldn't have made the whole building collapse. They must have gone through it."

The curtain of the ER swung open and a lady with dark hair and a heart-shaped face. "You paged?"

"Yea, I'm paging Hunt as well. We need to pop his arm back in place." I said, nodding towards one of the nurses.

Callie examined the shoulder as he flinched and thinker for a moment. Then she smiled and winked at me so I knew she was up to something. The only time Callie winked was when she was going to distract the patient so she could relocate their bones.

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