Only A Little Painful

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Cold sweat trickles down your forehead and you vision blurred. Everything is spinning quickly like in a movie, where the people rush around and you stand there, in normal speed. You take a deep breath and everything is clear again. George O'Malley's eyes met yours and you smile, just staying there.

A bus suddenly rams into him and you let out a scream as he falls to the ground and the bus just went on, like nothing happened. As he was crushed, George flew to your feet and your heart almost stopped. His bloody was face tensed up and the only thing you could set your eyes on was the smile on his blood-stained teeth.

"Hey (Y/N)." He croaked before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and the creepy smile was still there. You scream uncontrollably and you back up into another bus, a crushing pain enveloping your body. You scream again and this time you when you open your eyes, it's dark and someone is holding you.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) wake up!" Someone shakes you awake and you restrain yourself from punching him. He holds your stomach tightly as you struggle to get away. "It's just a dream ok?"

You nod and sigh. "Sorry Alex."

"When are you going to get over O'Malley? It's about time." He suddenly changed his temper and you glare at him.

"Well I'm sorry I can't get over the fact that my best friend died but you're gonna have to get used to it."

"Well what do you want me to do? You take more interest thinking about Bambi than your own boyfriend."

His words his you like a wave, crashing over your whole body and freezing you in shock. You redden and tears well up to your eyes. "You respect him. And your own wife left you and sometimes you say her name instead of mine while having sex so I think I can scream his in my nightmares. We never had anything going on."

Alex grabs your wrists and you can barely see his brown eyes staring back at you, which are red with fury. You flinch under his grip and he only holds your wrists tighter. He was hurting you, but you couldn't choke that out at the moment. Instead you look up to try and blink the tears away but they only slip out as you see George's eyes in your mind, his smile creepily staring back at you. The blood to your hands cut off, and your fingers drop limply without feeling and you shrink away unable to meet his eyes anymore.

"You didn't just say that."

"This might not work Alex, we're not over any of it." Your hands are leaning in weirdly towards him now, becoming redder and redder. "And I would appreciate if you gave me back my circulation."

He abruptly lets go of your wrists and glares at you. "Look I may scream someone else's name in bed but-"

"Your dead wife's name. You aren't over her death. I'm not over George's death. That makes us even. However you aren't over her body on yours. Which means that you have been the taker in this relationship and I-" your voice cracks as you break down. "I'm sleeping with a guy who doesn't love me like I love him."

You start crying uncontrollably and wipe your tears off with your sleeve when you get out of the bed. You fling on your trench coat and shove on some pants, then grab your phone, your wallet and your pager. "The least you can do was let me scream from a constant nightmare."

"Where are you going?" He asks, flipping the blanket off his bed and walking towards you.


He chases after you, you just keep walking, but he never catches you, almost like he's afraid do touch you. You lightly open the door to your car and close the door, plugging your keys into the slot. You rest your head back and sigh, turning on the radio so you can distract yourself from the heartbroken look on his face as he stands by the door, watching you pull away.

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