Santa Called

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Happy December 1st, I was setting up my Christmas tree and listened to this song, so I was so inspired to do a oneshot. Enjoy!

Santa called to make sure I'm prepared

"Oh my god this traffic couldn't get worse." I mumbled under my breath as the taxi driver honked his horn another time.

It had been almost a year since I had came back to Seattle, after being fired I landed a job in Chicago, one of the best I had ever had, with better pay, better weather, but maybe not so much people. After being fired from the merger, I left my best friend and on/off boyfriend Jackson.

He said, "Winter love is spreading everywhere."
Summer came and took off with the spring
So now we start the Christmas Caroling

I needed some time, just a little bit of time with him. It was Christmas season, the night was dark, and Meredith had told me they would be at a party at Joe's. God driving to this hospitals with all the Christmas parties was something I should have considered. I needed to tell Jackson I loved him, I missed him, and I was here. The chief offered me a job back, and I was here as a his Christmas present, to tell him I'd be back.

I'll find my way back home
And light up every tree
We will hang our stockings for you
And one for me

I could almost already see his face, looking into my eyes. I would run up to him and kiss him, then we'd dance, and he'd laugh, and we'd have the best time ever.

'Cause Santa called to make sure I'm prepared
He said, "Pack your bags and tell them you'll be there."

Jackson sighed and looked out the door of the bar, seemed like yesterday he had met the girl from the merger and asked her to dance. He missed her everyday, and he secretly knew she'd never come back. She told him to wait for her, not to give up, but it was December, almost a year. He didn't know who was more broken, all the hearts of the girl's hearts he broke combined, or his alone.

He looked around and saw a girl walk in. She had bright red hair and a round face, with soft curves that every guy landed their eyes on. April was beautiful, and he couldn't believe she could keep her virginity for thirty years. She was one of his best friends after (Y/N) left for Chicago. Jackson and (Y/N) used to be best friends, they went to the same school, then moved to Seattle together, but ended up in different hospitals. The merger was like the best thing that ever happened to them, their on and off relationship was a little bit less unpredictable, and their lives were great until she was fired.

He didn't know whether he should still wait for her or not.

I'll be home with my love this Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home with my love this Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home, home, I'll be home
I'll be home, I'll be home

"Oh my god what the actual fuck is this hold-up!" I cried, looking out the window unhappily. "How long until the hospital?"

"10 minute walk." He answered.

I looked at my watch, I could barely wait another minute. Throwing a pile of cash in the front seat, I jumped out of the car and bolted through the traffic into the sidewalk. I ran as fast as I could towards the direction of the hospital, my bag and hair trailing behind me as wind rushed through my hair. The red ribbon in my hair in it's long French braid flew out and I smiled, seeing the bar come insight. My heels were burning with pain but I finally reached the hospital.

Santa called to make sure I'm prepared
He said, "Wrap the gifts with all your love and care."
The wind blows the snow up in the sky
But I won't let the wind delay my flight

Jackson looked at April who took a seat at the bar and ordered a shot of rum with three mint leaves. She chugged it down and he smiled, tilting his head towards her. That was the exact same drink (Y/N) would order. April saw his face and laughed.


Jackson only stared at her. She was really beautiful, she was just as beautiful as (Y /N).

"Wanna dance?"

I'll be home with my love this Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home with my love this Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home, I'll be home, I'll be home
I promise, I promise
I'll be home, I'll be home

I was almost there, the door of the bar was within my grasp.

Santa called to make sure I'm prepared
He said, "Pack your bags and tell him you'll be there."

I ran into the bar, the door swinging open as I scanned the room for Jackson. Expecting him to be at a barstool, I looked over all of them but he wasn't there. Not at the counter, not at any of the tables. Then my eyes found him laughing, and his hand was on another girls who I vaguely recognized. She was dancing with him, smiling, and her hands were on his neck, and she was having just as much as a good time as he seemed to have. They swayed to the music and he lifted his hand up to her jaw and stroked it gently, like he once did to me.

The music rang louder in my ears as the world started spinning. I was too late.

"I'll be home with my love this Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home with my love this Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home" I sang, his eyes finally catching mine. His pink lips parted in surprise, an expression I was all too familiar with, and I sighed, wondering how we got into this state.  "with my love this Christmas
I'll be home
I promise, I promise
I'll be home, I'll be home, I'll be home"

I was finally home, and he found another girl. My heart sank to the deepest depths of the ocean and I wondered how late I was. Something told me I was so close, so close to catching him before it was too late. His green eyes pierced into me as my whole body trembled with sadness. He looked as if he was going to pull away but I smiled and landed my eyes back on April, who he seemed happy with.

I guess I made a mistake, or fate pulled us apart, but I think that he deserved the girl he was with now, because I think I remembered her as someone who was extremely sweet and her name came back to me. It was April, she was one his fellow interns at Mercy West and she was the nicest person he had ever met. He deserved the nicest girl he met, who wouldn't leave his side like I did.

So I smiled.

I smiled because I loved him, I smiled because he should be happy, and I smiled because I knew that if I did, he would understand that I wanted him to finally move on.

He understood.

His green eyes squinted as he smiled back, his white teeth showing while he chuckled, then turned his gaze back at April.

A tear fell from my cheek because it hurt, it hurt that I was so close and I lost him. But it was so bittersweet that I decided that I wasn't allowed to cry over a guy I left.

Sometimes, life makes you hurt the people you love, and sometimes it makes them hurt you back.

But the worst, the worst is when they don't mean to hurt you, or they don't know they are because they think they can't.

I came home, but this wasn't my home anymore, so I took a seat on the barstool and ordered a shot of rum with three bunches of peppermint leaves.

I think it would be reasonable to get drunk tonight.

I'll be home with my love this Christmas
I promise, I promise
I'll be home

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