Ch.8- Secerts are Out

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Harry's POV

I saw Reaven asleep as I decided to make her breakfast in bed then I went to her closet and I saw her clothes and then I saw a letter and it didnt have any writing in the front then I unfolded it.

'Dear Reaven,

Hey I love you I know I keep saying that cause Harry never said that to you, Or he never send you letters or anything, I never would let you go, even though this is secret thats why I cant text you the boys would be suspious, But Happy Birthday love, I wish you the best and I love you dont forget that ;-)

~Lukey (a.k.a) Luke :)

I looked at Reaven and I felt my hand turn into a fist I cant believe she was dating him and I never knew and that shirt was not hers was Luke's.

I heard her groan and I looked at her and she looked at me with confsuion,"Harry what are you doing in my closet?" I looked at her and got out the letter.

"What the hell is this?!" I showed her she looked at me and got up and took my blueshirt and buttoned it

"Harry I can explai-"

"Reaven, I thought you loved me so all this time and all the time you told me you loved me was a lie?" I cut her I whispered trying to keep my tears in

"Harry I was gonna tell you but-" I couldnt take this thing anymore Im gonna talk to Luke.

I walked away from the room and I heard the door closed and I saw Heaven standing there at her door terrified

I looked at her and ran down stairs and took my car and drove to Lukes House.

Reaven's POV

I am so stupid I wish I didnt keep it a secret I cant believe I just made Harry mad wonder what his gonna do to Luke I cant believe I caused so much Drama.

I felt a tear come down my face and I heard small foot steps come my way I looked up and I saw Heaven she hugged me and looked at me

"Mommy please stop crying..." She whispered in my ear and wiped my tears.

I smiled and hugged her and then I decided I know who to call who can help with this cause I dont know where the hell Harry is going.

"Hello?" she answered

"Ethel, Please come over I need to tell you something."

"Okay dont worry ill be there." she hung up and Heaven looked at me and hugged me

"Mommy, Wheres daddy?" I looked at her and sighed

"Sweetie Daddy went somewhere just go in your room." she kissed my cheeck and left.

I changed into my black batman short and then my white shorts I put on a messy bun and I got down stairs and I heard a knock on the door I opened the door and it was Ethel.

"Reaven, whats going on, and wheres Harry?" I bit my lip cause I never told her and I wonder what will she feel I hope she doesnt hate me.

"Um...Thats what im gonna tell you..." she sat on the couch I looked at her and she nodded for me to continue.

"Ethel..Me and Luke have been dating ever since...and Harry found out and now I dont know where he is." she looked at me and sighed

"Okay well, His gonna Luke for sure so go to Lukes house and-" I heard the phone rang as it cut Ethel's sentence.

I amswred it and it was Calum

"Reaven, Harry is beating up Luke come fast!" I nodded and hung up I got my black flats and took my keys

"Whats going on!" Ethel shouted

"Harry is beating up Luke!" I shouted and Ethel looked up

"Ill take care of Heaven." I nodded and ran to my car and I drove to to Lukes Place.

As I arrived I saw the couch flipped and I saw Harry punching Luke repeatingly

"STOP!" I took Harry's Hand and just as he was about to punch Luke he looked at me and I saw some bruises from him.

Then he got off Luke and Luke was knocked out I covered my mouth on what I saw and I looked at Harry and he looked at me and sighed

"He told me I was never there for you when you needed me.." I sighed and Ashton tried to wake up Luke.

"Harry, I know I was mad at you for four years and me and Luke has been together for 4 years and I know your mad but you didnt have to kill Luke.." he looked at me and a tear came down

"I know but I remembered when you told me that you didnt want me in Heaven's life and I just couldnt control myself.." I looked at Luke and he had a ice pack on his lip.

I looked at Harry and then at Luke I cant believe my stupid feelings got the best of me...

I sighed and then the door opened I saw Liam and only, Liam looked at Luke and sighed and then he sighed and looked at Harry

"Harry, what the hell!" Louis shouted I sighed and looked at them

"Guys Im the reason why they fought, Me and Luke has been together since and whem Harry found out he beat the crap out of him.." I said Luke got up and held my hand

"Dont blame yourself, Its my fault I told Harry you told me and then he started to punch me.." Luke admitted Harry got up and looked at us

"Yeah but the thing is its my fault and Reaven I love you but if you wanna be with Luke Ill move out." he walked out and slammed the door I sighed and looked at Luke he gave a weak smile

"Im sorry I guess we should break up I know you still love Harry.." I looked at him and gave a weak smile

"Im sorry I for everything.." he nodded I got out and Harry's car was not there I wonder where he is?

Ethel's POV

As Heaven was asleep I got a beer and drank from it I got a little tipsy trying to forget what I saw.


Flash back


As me and Heaven were walking to the mall I saw Niall in his phone I wanted to go to him till a girl with blonde hair came up to him.

They were talking and all he kept smiling then she lean and kissed him I felt my heart broke to a million pieces.

I felt a tear come down I took Heaven and we walked away then Heaven tried to not make me cry shes just like Harry..and Niall...

"Tita please stop crying.." I looked at her and smiled

"Thanks Heaven lets go."


Flash Back Over


I couldnt focus on the TV and then I heard the door swung open I looked at who it was It was a little blurry but he was...It was Niall I looked at him and he smiled.

I didnt know what to do I dont know what to say then before I could respond he crashed his lips on mine it tasted like alcohol but I didnt care I kissed back and as he was about to break the kiss he said something

"Im sorry for everything." then he went to my neck and started to suck at my sweet spot a moan esacaped my lips as he did that then he stood up I did the same and then his lips hit mine again then he whispered in my ear

"Jump." I did as he said and my legs were around his torso and he carried me to the bed room and he crashed me to the bed.

Then he took his shirt out and I saw tattoo's in him my vision became clear as I saw who it was and it was Harry.

Then it changed to Niall I got confused and then he crashed his lips on mine once again I couldnt figure out who I was kissing but it felt right.

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