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4 years later....

Reaven's POV

"Mommy!" I smiled and hugged Harret as I came from work I looked to see what Heaven was doing and she was doing her homework, I smiled and she looked at me and smiled

"Mom, your home!" she hugged me and I hugged her back knowing that I missed my 2 girls, I went to Saipan for a only 3 days and they already miss me, but the thing is I couldn't find Harry the last time I saw him he kissed me at the airport, but when I came home I didn't see him.

"Where your dad?"  Heaven smiled and looked at Harret and she did the same and took both my hands leaving the bags I just brought in,"Where are you girl taking me?" Heaven looked at me and smiled

"Somewhere." I chuckled and Harret pulled me down and I kneeled in one knee and looked at her and she smiled and put the red cloth around my eyes making me not see a thing, this must be a surprise Harry kept telling me about when I come home, and I can't believe that he made the girl apart of this Surprise.

"Mommy, don't get mad okay?" Harret said I got confused

"What do you mean Harret?" she sighed and I heard the door open, I know we were in room once I felt the floor carpet on my feet, I couldn't see a thing but I hear some whispering and everything I got confused on what the hell is happending, this is starting to get me scared when Heaven and Harret let go of my hands.

"Heaven? Harret?" I heard chuckles as I called out for them I am so going to shout if someone doesn't tell me what to do.

"Mommy, take off the blind fold." I heard Heaven said I chuckled and did as she said and I saw the room and I saw Harry smiling looked at me, I gasp in surprise and ran to Harry and pressed my lips on him and I wrapped my legs around his torso I couldn't careless that Heaven and Harret was watching I heard Harret said,"Ewwww" but then Heaven chuckled and covered her eyes and conintued to watch us.

I let go and he looked into my eyes and smiled,"I missed how you kissed me like that." I chuckled and he pressed his lips on mine again and then Heaven conintinued to cover Harret's eyes.

"Okay, please I know you guys miss each other but please, Harret is only four and the other guys and Tita Ethel is coming soon." I smiled and got down from Harry and he wrapped his hands around my waist and I turned to Heaven and Harret.

"Okay, just  tell them to wait, I'm going to speak to your dad about the wall he did in our room." I looked at him and he bit his lip and scratched at the back of his neck, because Harry knows I don't want him to do anything with the walls in our room, but as I saw the wallpaper it was Light blue and Butterflies were everywhere, it makes it looks like a tumblr room yet for a teenage girl.

Heaven and Harret left the room and Harry sighed as he was going to hear my lecture, but before I could start Harry put his index finger in my lips and he got closer to me,"Reaven, I know you said to not do anything about the walls but did you rememeber when Heaven was cured?" I looked at him and smiled as he took his finger off my mouth

"So you put this in our room knowing, that our first daughter was cured from something in my past?" he chuckled

"That, and Harret loves Butterflies for some reason." I chuckled and poked his cheek

"Atleast Heaven stop having the obsession of Cats." he gasp

"What's wrong with our daughter loving cats?" I laughed and he chuckled and then I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and it was Ethel she looked at me and hugged me

"I'm sorry to interupt but dude, I couldn't  wait to hug you." I chuckled and hugged her back knowing she missed me, and that I missed her 23rd birthday to visit the other back home.

Heaven || H.S. {Book 2} ✔Where stories live. Discover now