Ch.12- Good Reasons

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Reaven's POV

I looked at the nurse as she said what happend to Heaven I wanted to punch the nurse and myself for everything I wasnt watching Heaven when she was with us I felt a tear come down and I looked at the nurse.

"What caused this?" she looked at me and sighed

"It was something to do with her eyes and skin if too much light goes in her she may have to fainted and all."

I got confused nothing like that ever happend to me I cant believe my stupid sickness was passed on to my only child I ever loved with all my heart being a mother was big step I was so happy when I gave birth to her but now shes suffering to everything I have for my teenage years.

"But will she be okay right now?" Harry asked she nodded and smiled

I sighed in relife cause I dont want anyone dying.

Then I saw Ethel and Ashton and then the boys I hugged Ethel and she hugged me back I felt more tears escape as I was hugging her she was comforting me as sobs slipped through my mouth

"Its okay Reaven she will make it, shes strong." she whispered in my ears I let go and looked at her

"Ethel I dont know what ill do if she doesnt make it." she sighed and looked at Harry and sighed

"Reaven shes strong like you she will." she hugged me and I let go and looked at Liam and Louis and Zayn they sighed and Harry was crying and faceing the wall Ashton was comforting him as they other boys were looking at me.

"What is her sickness?" Zayn asked I sighed looked at him

"She just fainted cause the nurse said it was something with her eyes and if her skin get too much light she will faint." Ethel got confused and looked at me

"I dont get it, why did she get that when you didnt have that when you had yours?" I looked at her and sighed and then the nurse came out and looked at all of us

"You guys can see her shes doing fine shes just watching TV." I nodded and I got in and I saw her as the tubes were in her nose and I smiled and she saw me and smiled wide.

"Heaven you okay?" I held her hand and she looked at me and nodded

"Mommy, Im sorry." she said I kissed her forehead

"Its not your fault Sweetie." Harry got up and looked at me and sighed and he held her hand

"Your mommy is right Heaven, its my fault." I looked at him and sighed then Heaven gave a weak smile

"Its okay Daddy Im just happy to see you and Mommy are okay..are you guys okay?" she asked in a low voice I nodded and held her hand she smiled and looked at all of us.

Then I heard the door open and it was Niall he looked like he was crying Ethel saw him and walked passed him and got out the room he looked at us and sighed and then at Heaven.

"Heaven, Are you alright I had a text from Liam saying you fainted..are you hungry?" he asked Heaven chuckled her smile can make me smile faster then what im feeling now

"No Im full, But why is Tita Ethel mad at you?" she asked I looked at Niall and he sighed

"I did something so wrong I regret in my whole life, But I dont know how to say how sorry I am." I looked at Niall and sighed

"I think I know how but now we need to just see how Heaven is doing wheres Harry?" I saw sleeping next to Heaven and she smiled as she saw her daddy sleeping next to her.

"Sweetie do you want me to stay here?" she looked at Harry and then at me

"Yes please." I smiled and held her hand while the other stayed for a while and left

Heaven || H.S. {Book 2} ✔Where stories live. Discover now