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First Division Member's POV

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First Division Member's POV

So... Marco's been nagging more than usual and no one could really blame him. First, Thatch serves him bird seed for Breakfast -and got thrown over board- as a prank, a prank that lasted three days. Then, oyaji just had to be convinced to take an injection for three hours. Next, Ace comes up and asked him what a blow job was and if he could eat it. Which was shocking in itself that an 18 year old didn't know what a blow job was, but to ask if he could eat it? Well, technically he could but that's not the point.

The point is that Marco's been stressed the passed few months and has been showing it more these pass few days. So, as the wonderful First Division members we are, we decided to form operation 'Get grumpy First Division Commander Marco the Phoenix wasted and laid.

And thus, the story of how the always bored looking and level headed Marco the Phoenix, became 'The Drunk of the Year' in the newspaper.


Marco threw back his 537th shot and sighed long and hard. He was all alone in an abandoned bar surrounded by thick forest. Only a fool would venture into the monster infested forest. But he needed a drink in peace. So why the hell not.

Marco was already feeling faint, but he needed just a tad more before he goes back into the war of shenanigans his family would throw at him.

After the 600th shot was thrown back, he thought it'd be a great idea to hit 1000. Cuz, like, why the hell not, yoi. Right.

What he didn't account for was the sudden intrusion. 'Ace...bumb ass who didn't know what a blowjob was...fuckin' vergin!

Tha fug he doin' here of all places! Oh wait...ya ya ya...forest kid...ya...


And down went shot number 893.


'Crap...kid sees me...'

"I didn't know you would be here! You should've told me! I would've drank with you!" Ace exclaimed. Smiling so bright it literally lit up the whole bar. Or was it because the door was opened? Nah...

Down went his 900th shot. He felt dizzy and slightly lightheaded. But he'd heal...
Actually...it would be easier to just drink from the bottle...won't it...

How many shots were in a bottle again? 5...10?

"Give me 20 more bottles, yoi...and get the kid some juice! Orange will do, yoi..." The slurring in his voice was nearly unnoticeable. Nearly.

"Hey! I'm old enough to drink!" Ace protested. But sill took the juice the shady looking bar tender handed him.

Said shady looking bar tender was eying Ace's body up and down when Ace was preoccupied with telling Marco all about the giant tiger family he had met and ate just 10 minutes ago.

The bartender...what was his name again....?... uh....Blob? Tob? Bob? Ah what ever...

Even in his drunken haze, Marco caught the eyes that started undressing his precious youngest brother.

Shady looking bartender's POV

Mmm...those abs...those jucy tits...I bet his ass is just as jucy looking as those, yummy...with my devil fruit I could make him leak milk from those innocent looking nipples! Mmmmm....I can already imaging it...his young body falling apart under me...mmmm...squirming and weeping because he can't stop leaking...mmmmm I'll denie him orgasm after orgasm until he begs me hehehe....just need to knock the other drunk guy out and then I can fuck this young delicious looking-'

Third person's POV

Marco had thrown the bottle he had just drowned down at the shaydy looking bar tender.

Ace gasped and asked why he did it and Marco's simple reply was "He was raping you with his eyes, yoi."

Ace stared at Marco, then at the not-so-shady-anymore looking bartender, then back at Marco. "Whaa?"

Marco simply stood up after drowning every bit of alcohol left in the last bottle. He also snached the most expensive looking one right off the shelf.
Afterwards, he trew open the door and stumbled out.

Marco walked towards the town. He felt like eating some dates. 'Why do they even call them dates, yoi... it's not like people don't know their proper name...'

Ace followed closely behind.

They reached the port town in a few short minutes. Ten times faster than a normal human would.

Marco sniffed the air and located a warm looking little store just to the left of them.
"Give me some Phoenix dactylifera, yoi." Marco slurred.

The store owner looked confused. "Um...Phoenix what?"

"Huh? I'm Phoenix Marco. Ya, ya that's me....hic, yoi."

"I-I know sir...but um..."


The store owner as well as everyone else in hearing radius jumped apon hearing the shout.

Ace, jungle child that he is, simply tilted his head and pointed at the object Marco went bonkers over like shouting in public was totally normal.

The store owner wasted no time in packing as much dates as a big bag can carry. He handed(more like trusted) it to Ace, who passed him the beli, only the store owner had already ran inside...

'Oh well, free food!' Ace thought.

The bag however, was snatched from his hand by Marco. Ace looked positively betrayed.

Marco rolled his eyes and gave an exasperated sigh, handing the bag back to Ace, who took it whild slightly drooling...

'Ew...' Marco thought. "Don't help me digest it, yoi. I can do it my-hic" He hiccupped. Repeating the sentence over.

Turning around, Marco started walking towards the clearing he last saw. Before the isolated bar.

Ace followed, snatching a few snacks here and there.


It's been months since I last touched THIS! XD


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