Who are you and where's my brother?! (part 1)Big Bad Marco

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Marco was being mean...

"Oh my god! Marco what did you do to him?!"

It wasn't fair at all...

"I don't know, yoi!"

I don't understand...

"He was fine when I left just now, you must had done something! I mean, look at him! He's just staring at it!"

Why would he...

"Thatch, stop yelling and just...Go get pops, yoi!"

How could he...

"Hey, hey, Ace, yoi. What ever I did, I'm so sorry, yoi. OK? Please look at me, yoi."

This isn't the Marco I know...

"He's here Marco!"

This isn't the Marco I look up to...

"Pops! Something's wrong with Ace yoi!"

This isn't the Marco I came to love...

"Ace, son? Tell me, what's wrong?"

"This isn't Marco..."

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