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yandere mahiru :D

- It's been a HOT, SIZZLING MINUTE. Hope you guys enjoy this,,

I never erase a photo once I take it. That's my policy. No matter what kind of photo it is, the moment captured in it only exists at that time.

The shutter of the camera blinked non-stop, as if it were a real eye. She sidled along the wall as she continued to press the button of her hefty and weighted camera, every push of the button making the pads of her fingers only more and more sticky; a tacky feeling, similar to the leftovers of a sticker or the feel of dried paint that was beginning to melt.


(Y/n) had always been someone who peaked Mahiru's interest; from their personality, their enticing gaze, Mahiru was absolutely enthralled by the SHSL (yo.. insert whatev you wanna be here aha). It's been a few weeks since the killing game commenced and (Y/n)- no, everyone were in frantics. An island, an island full of potential murderers and targets, just who wouldn't be scared. Mahiru took this as a chance to give assurance to everyone, especially the one who had caught her eye. 


Again and again, the shutters never stopped clicking - every picture taken had to be perfect, it had to capture the beauty that was displayed in front of Mahiru, almost as if she were appreciating every detail that a painter had carefully painted on - only that it wasn't as varnished as a gallery painting. In fact, the body had little splutters and speckles of dust, bruises, and multiple signs of struggle - almost as if it had gotten into an alley fight - sprinkled along the human's figure.

Mahiru only got closer and closer to the body, her legs carefully guiding their way around the pools and puddles of blood surrounding the body. If it weren't for the fact that she, and a dozen more people, were stranded on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere, she would've carried that body back into her room; she'd dress it up, bathe it, sleep with it, she would treat it with only the utmost care.

She didn't care, her sanity was in tact even after committing such a sin. Her neon-pink stained dagger was even stuck still and upright in the torso of the body.

Slowly, her legs brought her closer to the body. Near enough to feel whatever leftover heat radiating from the shell of poor (Y/n)'s body. Her lengthy fingers trailed along their soft and pale face, admiring the still beauty.

"So beautiful.."


oh my god dshfkgsfd I make a comeback and this is what I serve?? HASHDGA anyways, I hopeyou guys enjoy this^^!!

I wonder if anyone reads this haha

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