I'm not o-fucking-kay

836 14 59

(F/b): favourite band

Trigger warning: self harm and violence

Your alarm clock went off, cursing your ears. Also reminding you of the fact that you had to be at school in an hour.

You unwillingly got out of the safety of your bed to get dressed, observing your closet to decide what to wear, still rubbing your eyes, barely even awake. You felt groggy and aweful. Everything hurt and your legs burned from the tiny scars that were recently added after your parents yelling at you about Maths. This wasn't a big thing. But at this point you were looking for any excuse.

Luckily they were going out for a while so you were having the guys over tonight to practice and watch movies. You couldn't wait.

As well as This, your brother was out with his friends all night so he wasn't there to torment or make fun if you. Bonus.

You lazily picked out some ripped jeans, wearing fishnets underneath and put a studded belt around your waist. They were small studs and tiny chains were attached them.
(I actually have this belt it's sikk)

You pulled on a green day t-shirt as well and a black choker with a snake on it. To finish, you wore a leather jacket with tiny spikes on the collar.

After doing your makeup and all the essential things of getting ready, you grabbed your bag and phone leaving the house to go to hell. Obviously stopping at Starbucks on the way for coffee.


When you finally got to school, you were greeted by a tap on the shoulder and a shy smile from Gerard. You waved and decided to walk with him, finding out about his favourite music. It turns out you like a lot of the same stuff.

"what's your favourite panic album?" you asked him, you both liked a lot of music that was considered emo.

"A fever you cant sweat out obvs was iconic, but pretty. odd. was also good." (Everything else sukkks)

Your conversation was pretty much the gist of that until you reached the corridor where your locker was.


"what?" he asked following your gaze. Standing right next to your locker was those damn boys that like to torment you. They were laughing and had evil glares plastered onto their faces.

You unconsciously grabbed Gerard's sleeve and hid behind him, resting your head on his back.

"you alright?" he asked, clearly concerned. You shook your head and squeezed his jacket harder.

"I cant get to my locker. Not with them there." you indicated to the boys.

He put a hand on your shoulder and started walking there with you.

"no I don't want to get you involved" you protested but he didn't listen.

He carried on walking until you were both face to face with them.

"Hey look." one of them said. "emo freak found an emo boyfriend"

Neither you nor Gerard replied, you both new better. You just kept your head down and got your books.

"look at me when I'm talking to you, you slut." he grabbed your cheeks and yanked you face upwards.

"Get off her!" Gerard pushed the guy, causing him to let go and fall into the locker. Gerard you fool.

In a split second Gerard was treated with a punch square in the face. Blood poured out of his nose and dripped onto his jacket. You grabbed his sleeve again and ran to the music room before any more damage could be done.

(Gerard Way X Reader) You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In School.Where stories live. Discover now