dance dance fuckers

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Hey guys!! so sorry for the late ass update I had exams and not much time to write. I'm still doing this book to the end tho ty for the reads guys :)

You counted down the hours, the whole school day, unable to contain your excitement. The only lesson you really had fun in was maths, mostly because you and Gerard played stupid paper games rather than the dreaded maths.

He first walked into the classroom and the first thing you noticed was the fact that he had cut his hair. It was no longer falling on his shoulders but short. (like teenagers and blood)

"You like it?"

"Oh my god, Gee it looks amazing!" You reached out to ruffle the top of his head. He just smirked and brought his hands up to feel freshly cut style. He sucked his lips in a small smile and you couldn't help but lean forward and plant your lips on them. He just giggled and ruffled your own hair, earning a small frown from you.

Maths went quite fast, luckily. Especially compared to the rest of the lessons in the day which went past painfully slow, however your excitement was unwavering.

Soon enough though, the day ended and you rushed to the bus stop as quickly as possible to get home. You were going to meet at Pete's house and become last practice in before making your way to the school gym to perform live in front of most of the school. This did bring some nervousness into your thoughts, however you brushed it away, trying not to think of that factor.

You straightened your hair and re-did your makeup, adding more eyeliner and even some subtle glitter. You had already picked out what you were going to wear, a black dress with mesh where the stomach and shoulders should be. You had identical long socks and fingerless gloves with bones on them and black combat boots.

"lookin cool Y/N" Pete made finger guns at you and you looked at his choice of outfit. He hasn't put much effort into his clothes, just added a studded belt and more eyeliner.

"Fuck yeah!" You threw your fist up in the air, enthusiasm radiating through every inch of you.

You sat on Pete's sofa, with Andy and Patrick, bobbing up and down with excitement while waiting on Joe to arrive. Patrick was spying his watch with concern , worried sick that he would get there late, as usual.

To everyones surprise, however, Joe arrived quite soon, giving you plenty of time to get to the sports hall and set up.

It didn't take long, mainly Andy's drums that took the most time, so you still had time for a quick rehearsal before people started turning up.

"let's do dance dance." The four tiny boys agreed and got ready to play their new favourite song. You played most of the songs on your set list, until a small punk going by the name Frank walked in followed by Ray and Mikey.

Pete immediately went(z) up to greet mikey with a peck on his lips. You also walked over to them, re-scanning the group to look for your boyfriend and after being unsuccessful, asking "Where's Gerard?"

"He's in the music room warming up his voice. And it's my job to keep you here." Said Frank, blocking you as you tried to make your way to the said destination.

"Why?" You tried to push past him but he held you back, surprisingly strong for someone so small.

"You're not allowed to see him before the show." You gave up struggling and gave a confused look.

"what is this, like the groom not being able to see the bride till the wedding?"

"The poor grooms bride is a whore!" Pete yelled (chimed in) from across the room.

(Gerard Way X Reader) You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In School.Where stories live. Discover now