Never let them take the light behind your eyes

629 10 35

Triggers: nthn

You woke up, slowly, looking around the room quite disorientated as to where you were. You observed you were in Gerards room and realisation came through, turning the corners of your mouth up in a smile.

You turned your head around to find that Gerard was still asleep. His mouth was open and a tiny bit of drool was escaping onto the pillow. His hair was a complete mess, some was over his eyes, a tangle of black locks sprawled over his face.

Yet he still looked fucking adorable.

You didn't want to wake Gee, however you were starving and, looking at your watch, mikey was probably back by now.

You crept up the basement stairs, careful not to make any loud noises and consequently wake up Gerard.

Half way up the stairs, you heard someone talking. A male voice, you couldn't make out who though it was muffled through the door. Mikey??

You slowly opened the door from the basement, poking your head around to find out who was there before making yourself known.

To your surprise it was Mikey, but as well as the lanky kid, there another person standing with him.

"Pete!" You squeaked, saying his name in shock.

"Y/N? Hey what are you doing h-" His eyes crinkled together as he put two and two together in his head. "wait you just came from Gerard's room.. MIKEY Y/NS DOING IT WITH YOUR BROTHER"

"No I am not fuck off, you twat" you punched his arm, trying not to let your face heat up as Mikey gave you a questioning look.

"How come you were in his room then? hmm?" He wiggle his eyebrows at you and you facepalmed.

"Just cause I was in his room it doesn't mean we were fucking. It may apply to you guys but not normal people." You sassed. This time it was petekeys turn to blush.

See. You could handle Peter after knowing him all your life.

"You got anything to eat?" You asked mikey. He nodded and beckoned for you to follow him into the kitchen. He then opened the cupboard and retrieved a jar, opening it to reveal chocolate chipped cookies.

"Take some for Gee too. He loves them. And yes Pete you can have some too." Pete developed a very wide grin and skipped over to Mikey.

Before retrieving a cookie, he stood on his tiptoes and gave Mikey a grateful kiss on his lips.

You stuck out your tongue in disgust before taking the jar yourself and running back downstairs to see if Gerard was awake yet.

To your surprise, he was not. He hadn't moved an inch since you left. You krept over and sat next to him on your knees, munching at the delicious cookie while prodding his cheek.

"Mhhff Mikey stop" He lazily batted your hands away while you sniggered. You placed a kiss on the tip of his nose and his eyes furrowed in confusion. He slowly opened is eyes, rubbing them before looking at you in realisation that it was not his brother.

"cookie?" You held out the jar and he gratefully took a bunch, thanking you and adjusting himself so his was now sitting up.

"I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow" He rubbed his head and cringed as the thought if school made it's way into his brain.

"Yeah same." You sighed and your stomach curled with dread.
"we could always just... not" You were half joking but Gerard looked up at you with hope in his eyes.

"We should!" He bounced up and down with excitement "please let's just not, stay here we can watch movies it'll be fuuun" He was getting really into this. As appealing as it was there were so many reasons why you shouldn't, coursing through your brain.

(Gerard Way X Reader) You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In School.Where stories live. Discover now