Jealousy and Trouble~ Part 3

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(OoOoOoOoooOOooOOO Kirito so scurry!!! He will hunt chu peeps down! >.< JKJKJKJK XD)

{Y/N}'s POV~

(btw, u r wearing your (f/c) cloak during all of this oki :P)

After we where reunited, we soon then returned Mishe, the main town on the 35th floor. Silica wanted to eat, so we went to the same cafe that Kirito and I went to last time, Lava Java, I think. (Just go with it oki XD) Kirito ordered a random sandwich, Silica ordered a random soup with crackers (i dk, save meh soul X-x), and I just got a simple milkshake, but me being me, it has a It looked so cute that I couldn't resist!

As we were eating, I kept on hearing Silica and Kirito talking, but I didn't care up to this point.

"Hey Kirito, do you have a girlfriend?" Silica asked with a smiled and a slight glint in her eyes.

Kirito had bugged eyes, but I saw a slight pink on his cheeks, "I-I don't have a g-girlfriend."

"Oh really." Then I saw Silica look at me, but I pretended that I didn't notice.

When I looked away from the two, I saw a familiar white hair boy in the cafe, about to sit.

"Ace! Why don't you sit down with us!" I called out while standing and waving my hands (like yah just don't care! XD jk)
so he could see me.

He turn his head towards me and as he sees me, he , "Hey (Y/N). Nice to see you again."

He sits over across from me and next to Silica, who was sitting across from Kirito, by herself. I was next to Kirito, who was next to the wall. (so confusing O.o) Ace and I were just chatting, and sometimes Silica would make some comments. I look over to Kirito and see him glaring at Ace, for some reason. (so clueless *tsk* *tsk* smh .-.)

"Hey (Y/N). I bet you can't make a funnier face than this!" As I look over at Ace, I burst into laughter. (*ded* X-X) After a couple of seconds, he soon started to join in.

Ace's face (I'm done XD)

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Ace's face (I'm done XD)

A half hour had passed by and all we did was non-stop chatting and joking around. (Kirito was talking to Silica, the whole time. Maybe even complaining *wink* *wink*) It made me forget all of my problems and pain. It was as if nothing was wrong and we weren't stuck in a game, trying to get out of this death trap. And it was as if I was normal, and never was a beast...

"Well, I better go. I will see you soon though (n/n)." (nickname in case yah peeps didn't know ;P) He winked and then at me. He got up and left, not without paying for his stuff though. (DINE AND DASH!! LET'S GOOOO!!!!! >:D)

"Well, well, well! What is this '(n/n)' stuff going around huh?" Silica exclaimed while wiggling her eyebrows. (legit meh thou XD)

"I-it's nothing." I was embarrassed. Barely no one gave me nicknames before.

"It didn't sound like nothing." Silica teases.

"It's not like that!" I denied, as my (f/c) cat tail sways, frustrated. It was true. I only had one person in my mind and it wasn't Ace. But like I said, who could ever like a beast?

Silica was being persistent, maybe a bit too much, "Ace and (Y/N) sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Well, I'm done. Let's go to an inn." Kirito finally says after awhile. (HE SPEAKS?! .o.)

"Ok." Silica and I say at the same time.

As all of us walked out, we had an encounter with Silica's ex-party members and fans. (It might not follows the sao plot a bit, don't be disappointed. It will be better! I hope. :D)

"Well, well, well. What do we have here." A red headed girl with short hair blocks our path.

"Rosalia!" Silica exclaims with shock.

"What is the Black Swordsman doing here? And who is this?" Rosalia grew a smirk while looking at me and Kirito.

"What are you doing here Rosalia?!" Silica asked,wanting answers and Kirito goes in front of me to protect me.

"I heard about your little rare item that you are going to get. But now since I found her, I don't need that anymore." I felt hands grabbing my arms and holding them back from behind me, as I tried to escape them.

Rosalia continues, "I heard a rumor about a little neko roaming around in the game hmm? I want to see if it's the real deal or not."

After she says that, she then takes off my (f/c) cloak, freeing my (f/c) cat ears and (f/c) tail. My (f/c) tail wraps itself around my leg and my (f/c) cat ears flattens itself into my (f/c) hair. Rosalia looks at me up and down, as her smirk grew bigger and bigger.

"Hmmm look like this here is the real deal. Going to be so rich after this." Rosalia does an evil giggle.

"Let (Y/N) go now!!!" Kirito screams at Rosalia as he takes out his sword.

"Oh don't worry. I'm not taking her....yet. But beware, you better watch out." As Rosalia says this, she pushes me away.

Luckily Kirito had caught me in his arms, holding me tightly. He looks at me with worry in his eyes as Silica went to grab my (f/c) cloak from where Rosalia threw it.

"Until then." With that Rosalia and some of the other orange players disappears.

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