Catnapped By A Psycho Perv

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(I am at lost of words at this XDXD I can't)

{Y/N}'s POV~

"Wh-Where am I?" I asked out loud, not thinking that I would get a reply.

"Well my darling Titania~ you are currently in a game called <<ALfheim Online>> and you are mine~" A weird creepy voice called out.

"I'm not this 'Titania'! My name is (Y/N) and I belong to no one, but Kazuto!" I faced the voice that was now in the cage with me.

The voice laughed creepily and telling by the voice, it was a guy, "He won't be able to find you my dear~ and if he did, he would have to get through me first!" Creepy guy laughed like a maniac again.

I turned around and spotted him in the cage in front of me. He has green eyes and wings, along with shoulder length blonde hair. He wears a crown, a long dark green robe and a green cloak, both with an emerald-like jewel. He also has a pale skin, long pointed ears, but his have gold leaves on top, like the avatar I have on now. He creeps closer to me as I try to scoot away, since I was sitting down on the hard ground. My (f/c) ears flinched as I hit the wall, and he grabs a part of my (h/c) hair. He pulls it closer to him and sniffed my (f/c) hair. Wait a se- hold on there-DID HE JUST SNIFF MY HAIR?!

"By the way, you can just call me Oberon my Titania~" He cooed near my (f/c) ears, slightly blowing on them and biting them lightly.

I gave him a creep-out face and looked disgusted as my (f/c) ears mover closer in my hair. He then trapped my arms with one of his hands and the other one on my hip, pinning me down. I kept on struggling, but due to the fact that I just woke up and was somewhere completely else, I was too weak. He then leaned down to my face and I could feel his (*cough* nasty *cough*) breathe on my face. I close my (e/c) eyes and felt my (f/c) tail wrap around my (s/c) leg. I then felt a wet thing go across my cheek. ​​​​DiD HE- How creepy can this guy get?!​​

I opened my (e/c) widen in shock and look disgusted at him again and he just smirked at me, "My, my~ Still taste sweet as ever Titania~"

"How many times do I have to say it!? It's (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Not Titania!" I spat at his face.

He smirked even more as he wiped my spit from his face and puts his finger in his mouth. My (f/c) ears twitched in disgust and he slowly moves his hand down from my hip. I felt a shiver go down, but not a good one. I struggled even more as tears make their way to my (f/c) eyes. He started to pull on my sensitive (f/c) tail, which triggered the tears as they fall down from my (s/c) face. He licked away my tears and then all over my face.

I then hear a beeping sound as Oberon pulls away from me. He then lets go of me and sighs. He got up and I sighed in relief as my (f/c) ears relaxes now. He pulls something out, but before I could see it, he puts it away.

He turns to look at me and grinned, "Looks like I have something to do. I'll be back Titania!" He patted my head and I flinched a little, "Until then~"

He moves away and to the door with a keypad, which I had just realized was there. He turned so I couldn't see the pass code. The door soon opened and he closed it after he leaves the cage. My (f/c) tail was now calmed down as were my (f/c) ears. I wiped my (s/c) face, trying to get rid of that creep's saliva from it, and moved onto the (f/c) bed that I spotted a few feet away. I laid down and closed my eyes, wanting this to be a dream, wanting to get away from here, wanting to be with Kazuto. I sooner or later felt my breathe go slower. (why did I type flower instead? XD)

"Help me.....Kazuto."

Kirito's POV~

While I was riding my bike to the hospital, I narrated that it had been two months since I defeated Heathcliff. I traded information about SAO to the Ministry of Internal Affair's SAO Incident Task Force, in exchange for (Y/N)'s whereabouts. I learnt that (Y/N) and three hundred players had yet to awake. Many people believed that the still-missing Kayaba Akihiko was behind it. I noted that the SAO incident was not over yet.

I visited (Y/N), who was still wearing the Nerve Gear, but I was not the only visitor. *Sakamira Kuro, (bf/n)'s (best friend in case yah didn't know XP) father, and Sugou Nobuyuki also came for a visit.

I apologized to Kuro, "I'm sorry for bothering you, Kuro."

Kuro encouraged me, "Nonsense Kazuto! Come whenever you liked because it would make (Y/N) happy." He smiled at me, "Anyway, I want to introduce you to Nobuyuki, who is a family friend's son."

Nobuyuki looked overjoyed to learn that I was the hero who saved everyone in SAO, and shared news with Kuro that he wanted to make it official. Wait...What does he mean by 'make it official'?

Kuro looks shocked but asked, "Are you sure about it? You know, since you are so young."

"My heart had always been set on one thing and wanted (Y/N) to wear the dress while she was still beautiful." Nobuyuki reassured him. Wait what?! Don't tell me!-

Kuro then left the room to attend a meeting. Nobuyuki then smirked and grabbed (Y/N)'s hair and starts to sniff it, angering me.

He stated, "The chat with Kuro was about (Y/N)'s marriage to me," shocking me even more. He informed me while touching (Y/N)'s face, " Sad that she never liked me, and it was likely that she would reject my marriage proposal, so I was taking advantage of the situation to marry her."

I grabbed Nobuyuki's arm to stop him from touching (Y/N), but he pulled back. I swear, if he touches her one more time I will-calm down Kazuto!

Annoyed, I asked "Are you trying to take advantage of the fact (Y/N) was in a coma?"

Nobuyuki defended, "It's my right." He shrugged and further explained, "Argus went bankrupt and the SAO servers were entrusted to RECT Progress Inc., whose CEO was Kuro. I worked under the Full-Dive Technology Research Division, concluding that I'm the one who is keeping (Y/N) alive and thought I can ask for a repayment. Since I'm nice, I'm going to leave you with a warning, never come back or have any contact with (Y/N) and (bf/n)'s family."

​​​​​​​​I clenched my fists so that I don't hit him and get myself in trouble. Before leaving, Nobuyuki told me that the wedding was in one week and invited me to the wedding, which made me boil in anger.

Don't worry (Y/N).......I'll save you~

*Btw (bf/n)'s family is like your own family. They would help take care of you and you were forever grateful. Kuro Sakamira is your best friend's father, but he thinks of you as a daughter so he wants what is best for you. They didn't care that you were a neko and gave you some happiness. Basically, your best friend's family is like your second family.

​​​​​​​{A/N: I've been busy lately and I couldn't update. Sorry if this chapter was shorter than the others, I want to update tomorrow, but I might not have enough time because I need to buy stuff for Easter and other things since it's getting hot where I'm at. Good news though! I have spring break so I can update 3 or more times during Spring break! I didn't know what to do in this chapter so I hope that it wasn't as bad as I think it was. I hope to update later if I have time! ^v^ Peace~

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