Fairy Game? (Is the Tooth Fairy there? XD)

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(The power of the internet! ▒▒▓█▇▅▂∩( ✧Д✧)∩▂▅▇█▓▒▒)

Kirito's POV~ (this chapter is going to be in his pov XvX)

After I got back from the hospital, my computer bleeped to inform me about an e-mail had been received from Agil, and the message showed a picture of a girl in a golden cage who greatly resembled (Y/N), which greatly surprised me. I went and visit Andrew, or Agil at his cafe, Dicey Cafe and teases him a bit about his business with his Cafe before questioning him about the photo that he has sent. He shows me a video game called ALfheim Online, the successor to SAO, and explains that Alfheim means "Land of the Fairies".

He then told me that the game's system is not the same as in Sword Art Online. It encourages Player Killing and emphasizes on the player's skill which means that there are no actual levels; combat is dependent on the player's athletic ability. He explained that the game was popular mainly because it gave the players the ability to fly; the player is able to fly by using the flight engine but Andrew said he had heard that it was hard to control.

I was very enthusiastic to try to control the wings but realized that I was getting off topic and asked, "What does this game had to do with (Y/N)?"

He showed me the pictures again, and explained, "The photo was taken inside ALfheim at the World Tree which is a castle at the top of the tree."

"Players are divided into nine races and the goal of the game is to see which race reaches the castle first. Five players attempted to reach the top by lining up and flying but failed eventually, though they managed to take some pictures." Andrew further explains.

In the picture they found a cage and inside the cage was the girl whom he showed to me.

I then question, "Why is (Y/N) in the game?"

I saw RECT progress at the back of the game, and I recall the conversation I had with Nobuyuki which could be the answer. Dirty little-

Andrew then calls out before I leave with the game, "Go save (Y/N)!"

I will.

Time-skip by Kirito's love of (Y/N)'s sandwhiches~

I made a sudden appearance, which made Suguha choke on her food and tries to reach her juice. I give her the juice and thank her for making me feel better before leaving to my room. I looks at my NerveGear, recalling my encounter with Nobuyuki before putting it on. It's been a while since I put the NerveGear on

The voice of the system welcomed me, telling me to enter my character name and gender. I typed in "Kirito", though I hesitated a bit knowing that Nobuyuki is aware of my SAO avatar's name. I then chose Spriggan as my race for its black color theme while ignoring the pros and cons of each race. I was then transported to the Spriggan's home town and found myself free falling, but a glitch occurred, surrounding me in pitch black darkness, and I ended up crash landing head first in a forest. Wasn't ready for that but alright.

After getting back on my feet, I opened the menu and was relieved to find the "Log Out" option. I then looked at my status window and found out that I had abnormally high skill values, but quickly realizes that they were all my skill values from SAO that were somehow transferred into ALfheim, aside from my Dual Blades skill which had illegible text, me guessing that ALfheim not having such a skill. I then looked at my items, which also had illegible text, and, at that moment, I remembered something and tried to locate a specific item as I scrolled down the item list. Please tell me it's here. Where is it, where is it, where is it?

I found the item called "MHCP001" and clicked on it, materializing Yui's Heart. As the crystal appeared, I tap the item, and a blinding light is gleaming from the crystal. A figure begins to form and it is Yui. I can't believe it worked! Yui opens her eyes and immediately recognized me as her "papa" and launches herself at me. I quickly caught her and wrapped my arms around her tightly as we both smile in happiness.

"I missed you papa!" Yui had tears running down her face.

I wiped her tears away and smiled, "I missed you too Yui." I could feel a tear running down my face.

After explaining that we were in ALfheim Online, Yui ran an analysis and informed me that ALfheim was a copy of SAO and all of my skills common to both games had been transferred, though the Cardinal System version used in ALfheim was a bit outdated. Yui noted that most of my items were corrupt and recommended that deleting them before the error detection program found them, though I had regrets about deleting the items due to the hard work involved in getting them, I managed to press the confirmation button. She then informed me that my abnormal skill values were fine unless a GM checked them directly. Yui also discovered that the outdated Cardinal System considered her as a Navigation Pixie and so she transformed into one and, although she did not have any GM privileges, Yui was able to access the map databases. I then told her what happened to (Y/N).

I noticed my wings and wondered how to fly. Yui told me that there was an assist controller. Pulling the controller toward my body would make me elevate, while pushing would make me descend. As I was preparing to take off, she told me that I could accelerate by holding the button and could decelerate by releasing the button. She also told me that I could fly as long as my wings were shining, but once they reached the limit, I needed to let the wings rest. I practiced my flying and tried to go to the closest town but Yui sensed nearby players. I looked down, since I was flying, and watched as the scene happens.

Two players looks like they are trying to escape to the Sylph Territory while being tailed by a group of Salamanders. The girl player is prepared to fight back, but the guy player disapproves. She tells him to try to kill one while she tries to draw in as much attention as she can. The girl player attacks the group and is able to kill one player. The guy player is fighting with a player and kills him before getting himself killed. While the girl player was distracted, she gets hit by a fire cannon and falls to the ground.

She was out numbered by 3 Salamanders. One of the Salamanders told her to give all of her money and items to him in exchange for her life. But she was not giving up and was ready to fight. I wasn't paying attention to my wings and I suddenly fell and my wings wasn't shining anymore. As the two factions prepared to attack, they were interrupted when I crashed landed right next to them. The girl player told me to run, but I insulted the Salamanders and they turned their attention to me. One of them tried to attack me, but I stopped the lance with my hand and pushed the opposing player back. Getting the ok from the girl player to kill the players, I took out my sword and ran it through the Salamander, killing the player.

Everyone looked astonished and I turned around asking one thing.

"Who's next?"

{A/N: I felt as if I didn't do a good job on   chapter T~T I didn't know how to put this chapter out so I'm going to try and plan out the next chapter now and see if I could update it tomorrow. Since you guys waited so long before, I'm going to try and update everyday of this Spring Break! ^v^ It is my goal!   ◉⃝ ˙̫̮ ◉⃝                            Peace~

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