Fish, fish and more fish -w- (I dk wut to name this chapter XDXD)

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(is it me or does he look like an old man in a staring contest? XDXD)

{Y/N}'s POV~

I woke up with Kirito next to me and his arms wrapped around me. I noticed that my (f/c) cat tail was wrapped around him too. I smiled as I soflty poke his cheek and he swats my hand away. I silently giggle and kiss his nose.

"Wake up Kirito~ I'm bored." I smiled.

He pouted slightly and whined, "But (Y/N), I wanna stay and cuddle you." He begins to cuddle and pull me closer to him. (my kitten just typed "meeeeeeew" as I wasn't lookin XvX so cute~)

I almost died at the cute overload and gave in, but sadly my boredness overpowered the cuteness, "Kirito I'm bored though. Please?~" I gave him my big cat eyes and lowered my (f/c) cat ears as I stuck out my bottom lip.

Kirito then mumbles a bit, but I could still hear him, "You're lucky you are so darn cute."

I blushed a bit and smiled as I hugged him, "I love you.~"

He smiled and hugged me back as he put his forehead against mine, "I love you too my kitty.~"

Time-skip by my sister leaving me so I can have peace -w-

"So, what do you wanna do?" Kirito asks as he sits on the couch.

I put on a thinking face as my (f/c) tail sways a bit, "I don't know..."

"Wanna go fishing?" Kirito suggests.

My eyes shot open and I smile brightly as I instantly thought about some yummy fish, "Yes!"

Kirito chuckles at me and ruffles my (h/c) hair, "Well we have to get ready first."

Time-skip by my nonexisting soul XvX

As me and Kirito went fishing, we met a man named Nishida, a well-known fisherman of the area. (btw you are wearing your (f/c) cloak) After talking and eating one of the fish Nishida had caught with some of my "soy sauce". Nishida was amazed that something that tasted like soy sauce existed in Aincrad and I allowed him to take several bottles of it back to his home. Nishida then requested Kirito to catch assist him in catching a very large fish he had seen in the lake but could not catch because of his low strength skill. Kirito agreed to help, with Nishida using his high fishing skill and Kirito's strength skill.

Time-skip by me wanting some cookies~

It's been a few days and Nishida was hosting an event, during which other fishermen came to watch. After struggling, they managed to pull the fish out of the lake, which turned out to be a humongous The King of Lakes. Everyone ran away in fear, but I went to fight it. I went to dodging and attacking until it died, but my hood had accidentally came off in the process. My (f/c) cat ears had moved freely as I was putting my (f/c) sword away. I didn't realize the hood came off until everyone to run towards me. Some gave me compliments and some touched my (f/c) cat ears. Sooner or later, Kirito told me that he received a message from Heathcliff calling me and to go to the front lines.

Time-skip by a family of time-skips randomly appearing~

The next day, we said our farewells to Nishida. Nishida wondered if he would be able to return to his old life in the real world and revealed that he had been thinking that his life as a fisherman in Sword Art Online was the best thing for him at such circumstances, but I told him that I used to think the same way until Kirito reassured me to enjoy life to the fullest, convincing Nishida to rethink about living in the real world. Me and Kirito then promised to return as soon as we could before teleporting to Granzam.

Upon our arrival, Heathcliff told us that a group of twenty players had found the 75th Floor's Boss Room, but when 10 of them reached the center of the room, the door quickly shut and disappeared, leaving the other 10 players outside unable to assist them. When it reappeared 5 minutes later, no one could be seen there, neither the players, nor the boss. Because it was an Anti-Crystal Area, like boss room of the previous boss, the players could not escape and were slaughtered by the boss. Thus a team of players from several guilds was being assembled to confront the dangerous boss.

Time-skip by my sister now walking in on me, in a dark room, hearing some death music and me chewing on my hoodie's string XvX

As the time of the battle approached, Kirito grabbed my arm and pulled me away from everyone else so we could have privacy.

"(Y/N)....I-I wanna run away with you. It would be better to live in SAO rather than risk our lives in order to return to the real world. I can't bear to lose you... (Y/N)." Kirito holds my (s/c) hands tightly.

I then pulled one of my hands onto his cheek and said, "The bodies of all players are most likely being treated in hospitals at this moment and their condition could not be kept indefinitely, thus life in the game would not last forever. I want to live with you in the real world. I love you Kirito."

Kirito smiled a bit, "I love you too."

Time-skip by my sister staring at me OvO

Prior to the battle, me and Kirito found out that Klein and Agil were also joining the fight, the latter having closed down his shop. We all enjoyed a light conversation, with Kirito jokingly telling Agil that if he was participating out of his selfless desire to help, then he did not need to get any loot, before Heathcliff and the Knights of the Blood's arrival. Heathcliff then used a Corridor Crystal to open a portal to the 75th Floor's boss room. After everyone got ready, Heathcliff gave a word of encouragement to the players. Meanwhile, I held hands with Kirito, reassuring him that she would protect him and asked Kirito to protect me as well. Kirito told Klein and Agil not to die and Klein responded by telling him the same. The large party then charged into the boss room, and waited for the boss to appear.

Once all players entered the room, the gateway closed and disappeared. However, the boss was no where to be found. At that point, I listened carefully with my cat-like hearing and heard a snake-like rattling above me, and quickly informed everyone that the boss was above them. The boss was a skeleton-like centipede named The Skull Reaper with a pair of gigantic scythes as weapons. The boss dropped down and immediately killed two players with its scythe in one hit, leaving me and the others horrified and frozen with shock at the fact that the boss could kill such high-level players in one hit. The Skull Reaper then attacked another player, but Heathcliff blocked the attack with his shield, however, the boss quickly ignored him and re-targeted the same player with its other scythe, killing him instantly. As it was about to kill another player who was in shock, Kirito quickly jumped in front of the player and blocked one of the scythes, although it continued dangerously pushing his swords towards him.

The boss was about to strike Kirito with its other scythe, but Heathcliff came to the rescue and blocked it, while I helped Kirito fend off the other scythe, and the three began distracting the boss while ordering the others to attack it from the sides. Although some players were worried, they helped with defeating the boss. Agil, Klein and two other players started attacking the boss, but The Skull Reaper smashed them with its tail, killing the two players and wounding Agil. Everyone then continued to attack the boss from the sides, while Heathcliff, Kirito and I kept it busy from the front.

{A/N: Heyo! Here is the other chapter I promised ^v^ I tried to do it as quick as possible but I got busy for a bit. this A/N is going to be short this time XD Peace~

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