The End-Wait... Where Am I?

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                                                                (TvT This gets me, that's all I'm gonna say XDXD)

{Y/N}'s POV~

Me and the others continued fighting against The Skull Reaper and I noticed that it was low on health. Heathclift noticed too so he immediately told everyone to attack with full force, and shortly afterwards, we finally defeated The Skull Reaper. I was panting hard, trying to regain my breathe and looked at my health bar. I noticed that it was on a low yellow and took out a health potion. As I used the potion, my health gained up to green.

As the exhausted Clearers rested from the battle, at Klein's inquiry, Kirito informed us that fourteen high-level players had died over the course of the raid. I can see the shock from the players and they began having doubts of ever freeing themselves out of the death game, since they still had twenty-five more floors to clear. I notice that Heathcliff was not exhausted at all. I got curious and looked closer and I saw that his hit points was still in the green zone. I then looked over at Kirito as he quietly collected his Elucidator, then suddenly attacked the off-guard Heathcliff with Rage Spike. Quickly reacting to the attack, Heathcliff attempted to block it. Kirito however slightly altered the trajectory of the blow, allowing it to barely avoid the shield and continue towards his target's chest. Just before contact could be made, the attack was stopped by a purple <<Immortal Object>> shield, similarly to when Yui was attacked by The Fatal Scythe.

Asuna and the other players were confused at Kirito's attack, until they noticed Heathcliff's status as an Immortal Object. As the system notice disappeared and Kirito sheathed his blade, Asuna questioned her commander on the new turn in events. Kirito explained that because of Heathcliff's status of protection under the system, his HP would never fall below the yellow zone. He also revealed that ever since the first day of the Sword Art Online official service and the transformation of the virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game into a death trap, he had been wondering where "he" was watching and adjusting the world to his likes. Stating his realization that the answer was childishly obvious, he declared nothing was as boring as watching others play an RPG and addressed Heathcliff as Kayaba Akihiko. I was shocked to the core.

After a few moments of silence, Heathcliff inquired Kirito on how he had determined the answer, to which Kirito responded that Heathcliff's block and attack that won him the duel they had had exceeded the limits imposed by the system. Casually commenting that overusing the system assist was a mistake on his own part and how Kirito's incredible speed and strength forced his hand, Heathcliff admitted that he was Akihiko and that he had originally planned to be the game's final boss at the 100th Floor. I couldn't get all of this through my head. When Kirito remarked that Heathcliff's decision to have the strongest player in the game become the final boss was cliche, Heathcliff divulged that betraying everyone near the end appealed to him, and that he believed it would have made a good storyline. Heathcliff also revealed his prediction that Kirito would have been the one to fight him at the end, as he had designed the <<Dual Blades>> skill for the player that he intended to be the one to stand against the final boss. I was very worried for Kirito and I couldn't help but think about if he loses.

At that moment, one of the Knights of the Blood leaders attempted to attack Heathcliff in anger after realizing the truth, but Heathcliff quickly used his personal system console in his menu to paralyze his would-be assailant and, subsequently, everyone but Kirito.

"K-Kirito." I also went paralyzed and fell. Before I could hit the ground, Kirito caught me carefully and gently put me down.

Kirito asked Heathcliff if he would kill everyone to cover his identity, but he replied that it would not be fair to everyone, as then they would never clear the game. He then told the players that he would await them at the Ruby Palace on the final floor. But, as a reward to Kirito for discovering his true identity, Heathcliff offered a one-on-one duel with him, with no system assist and his immortality status disabled. If Kirito managed to defeat him in this duel, the game would be cleared, and he would free all the players.

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