Rescuing You~

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(heuheuheu~ dat face thou XD)

{Y/N}'s POV~

It's been hard for me to keep up with the orange players. They beat me, torture me, and yet they still keep me in "good condition", whatever that means. Right now, I'm still in my cell, planning my next escape. I need to know their whereabouts to see which time is best to escape. I was taken out of my thoughts, when a little jingle of keys and a crank sound came from the doorway.

"I see that you are awake" Rosalia walked leaned onto the doorway.

I wasn't in the mood for her and was grumpier than usual, so I just sarcastically replied, "Oh wow you can see. Congratulations. You must feel proud." (she needs the noble prize everyone XD)

I was met with a sting on my cheek, "Too bad that we won't have you for long." Rosalia did a fake pout, "I would have beaten you up by now."

I put a hand on my cheek, where Rosalia had slapped me as my (f/c) cat ears flattened itself to my head. I then thought about my escape plans and that i needed information. "Wait, when are you taking me away? And to who? You still didn't tell me where are taking me."

Rosalia just huffed, "Gosh you are so dumb. (when I typed this in, it showed up as thumb XD) You are going to be sold at a slave auction tomorrow. You will then be belong to the highest bidder who bids on you. This 'slave auction' will be held at a building called Reveniur Onvaje'. (totally made up XD I didn't know wut to call it XvX)

All of my hope (NuUuUuU JHOOOOPPPEEE!!! T^T) has been shattered at her words. My (f/c) cat tail has gone to limp. HOW AM I EVEN GOING TO ESCAPE THIS NOW?!?! Its tomorrow...I don't have enough time!!! I have to be shipped to a random person! What if the person is a old ugly 40 year old perverted guy?! What if its a mean person who locks me in a cage all day with nasty food?! At least they give me decent food here and they don't put me in a little old cage.

I was left in my thoughts as Rosalia left my cell. That day I was so trained in my thoughts, that I didn't notice myself falling asleep.

Time-skip A.K.A *cue fish from Spongebob* One Day Later .o.

I was awoken by a bang on the cell door.

"Wake up. Today is the big day for you!" A voice exclaims.

I open my eyes to see Rosalia smirking. I didn't get to say anything as she drags me, making sure she has a good hold on me where I don't escape. We went through a lot of twists and turns before I saw a door that had a pass code on it. Rosalia blocked my veiw of the key pad and the door opened. It was so bright that my (e/c) eyes had to get used to it.

After a few moments my eyes got used to the brightness and I saw the virtual outside that I had gotten used to. I was then dragged into a van (I don't even know how they got it XD) and pushed into the back. I heard some movements and everything suddenly turned dark.

Another Time-skip TvT

I woke up with a splitting headache. I couldn't see where I was at, but I could hear a lot of mutterings. I could feel a blindfold on my face and ropes around me, tying me up.

"Alright everyone! Welcome to this year's annual slave auction!" A voice boomed out. (btw I dk how these things go T-T)

"I'm your host Yamato Roze! You can just call me Boss!" Boss boomed into, what I think, a microphone.

"Alright! For the first slave, we have a 21 year old woman, with long pretty blonde hair and sea blue eyes. You can do what ever you want with her! So we will start the bidding at $100!"




"Sold! To the person in the middle!" Boss exclaimed.

It went like that for a while. Just random voices shouting money prices and Boss's voice shouting "Sold!". I could then feel the lights go down on me.

"Now for the special prize! This is a rare neko with long (h/c) hair, smooth silky (s/c) skin, and shiny (e/c) gems. She also has (f/c) fluffy cat ears, and a long soft (f/c) cat tail. She is the most beautiful of her kind and you can do whatever you want with her!" Boss exclaimed.

Someone finally took off my blindfold and I get used to the lighting on me.I was in a rounded cage, which was locked and needed a key.I look around and I can see Rosalia next to a guy with a microphone, who I am presuming to be Boss. The crowd was awing at me and some of them was looking at me with a perverted gaze.

"Alright! We will start at $500!" Boss exclaimed with a smirk.





The lights had suddenly turned off by itself and it was dark. I heard some screams and rushed footsteps. I didn't know what to do. I was useless in this situation. The lights was now flickering on and off. I looked around to see mostly of everyone gone, except for Rosalia and Boss. But then, I saw The Knights of the Blood Oath and Asuna! Its been forever since I last saw her! I also saw Ace helping them. They was fighting off Rosalia and Boss! I was now crying with tears of joy.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice shouted.

I looked around and saw Kirito in front of the lock, trying to get it open. "Kirito!"

I ran up to the front of the cage and was smiling widely, "I missed you!"

Kirito smiled down at me and took a hold of my hands, "I missed you too. I'm sorry that I didn't rescue you sooner"

"That doesn't matter. At least you are here now." I linked my hand in his and tightly hold them.

"What about me?" Asuna pouted as she crossed her arms. (me every time I get replaced by my friends TvT)

"Asuna!" I let go of Kirito's hands, so he can work on the lock, and grabbed her hands. "And don't worry, I can never forget about you!"

"Got it!" Kirito exclaimed, while opening my cage door.

I was quick on running and lounging myself on Kirito for a hug, "I can't believe that you guys helped me!"

I feel Kirito hug back as tightly as I did, "Of course I would help you. You're special to me"

I felt tears on my shoulder and looked to see Kirito in tears, "I should've been more careful. You got here because of me."

I grabbed Kirito's cheeks and wiped his tears away, "And I got out because of you. You shouldn't blames yourself for something that you didn't do. You didn't kidnap me. You saved me. So I thank you." I then kissed his cheek as mine felt hot.

I heard a click sound next to us. I then looked at the place where the sound came from. and saw Asuna smirking, while holding a camera, "And this will go on my wall of OTP's." (XD I can't)

I let go of Kirito and ran to chase after her, "What do you mean your wall of OTP's! Get back here!"

Kirito was smiling at the scene in front of him. While all of this was happening The Knight's of the Blood Oath had finally caught Rosalia and Boss. They are going to put them in prison for multiple reasons.

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