A Letter To Magiting

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Dear Magiting,

How's life out there? I hope you're doing good. Are you playing beach ball with your dog, Alon today? I'm sure you're having a good time with him. I miss the fun we had. I remember rolling on the white sand with you. Oh, boy! That was the happiest moment we ever had.

Every time we meet, you always give me a treat. Eating green salad with you was the best thing we did together. I remember the lettuce that stuck in my teeth and you helped me picked it up for me, though, it was an embarrassing moment for me. Every time I visit your shore, you're always taking care of me and my little precious ones. This was the most beautiful thing you ever did to me and I am very grateful to you because you're different from the rest.  

I wish that I can go there for your birthday today. If I can only swim faster than you think, I'll be there soon! But sadly, I cannot be with you today even if I want to. I'm really sorry for letting you down for the very first time.

All I can see down here is dark and gloomy. It's like doomsday for all of us here. Everywhere is chaos and anguish. I and the rest of the sea creatures here are tormenting mercilessly by the horrible monster of the deep blue sea called "PLASTIC TRASH." Three days ago, my neighbor Mister Barb died horribly because of eating too much plastic debris which he was mistaken it for food. The next day, Mrs. Wrasse, our best cleaner was poisoned and died too! Because of licking the chemicals coming from the plastic bag lining. Yesterday, a school of fish suffocated with plastic toxins and they also died horribly.

Today, I'm afraid things will get worse down here. I'm really scared and I know my time is running out. I'm deeply in pain. My feet are entangled with tons of plastic straws and fishing nets and it's really tight! No one can help me get out from being entangled even, Mister Bottlenose Dolphin who is entangled too. I'm bleeding profusely, but still I'm trying to fight for my life. 

Everybody here has their own struggles. I wish you were here and help us get out from our sufferings. I hope my letter will reach your shore as soon as possible. If only you can dive deep down the ocean and save us. I know it is impossible, but your act of love and kindness to us will.

My time has come and it's time for me to say goodbye to you. I regret that I cannot be with you today, especially on your birthday.


If I will not be able to survive with my pain and agony can you stand up, protect and take care the ocean for me?  Hugs and kisses!

Your friend, 

Pawikan, the sea turtle.

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