the end never ends...

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Neon Gravestone's pov

I was in my room putting up my mic, after my friend left. We used to play music all the time together dreaming of something bigger. If only I could go back. Before the brainwashing. Before the scars. Before the end.

After I had the cord put away, i heard something. Something that still haunts me to this day. The screams. The distant but violent screaming. I ran out of my room and down the hall to the living room, where my mother stood looking out to the dim lit road for the cause of the scream. "Mom what's going on, is everyone ok?" The worry in my voice couldn't compare to the fear in her eyes. Her horrified glare. "Get a bag, put a few pairs of clothes, a knife, flashlight, and water bottle inside. Tell your siblings the same thing." She replied more serious yet scared then I ever heard before. The minute she closed her mouth my father walked in in wonder of the panic. "Mom you're scaring me, whats going on." I asked as the screams multiplied, but with the screams came sounds of cars and crashes.

"There taking as many as they can I can explain the rest in a minute." And with that horrific reply I ran nocking on each of my siblings doors as I ran to my own to prepare to escape. The curiosity was killing me. I had to know what this was. And why we had to evacuate. I HAD to. I looked out my window and what I saw I'll never be able to unsee. People in all white and gasmasks were pulling people out of their houses. Innocent random people were being pulled into white vans. Adults, grandparents, children, all being taken and for what? But it doesn't stop there. No, they would burn the houses after. Everything was set to fire. Burned it in front of their eyes.

Those nine seconds of seeing the dark town I called home being ruined, sent shivers down my spine. Adrenaline pumping to my heart, fear striking my gut, and panic in the back of my mind now surfaced. I rushed to grab the black bag on the back of my door and ran to find the things my mother requested. Except... Instead of a knife, I grabbed a small silver hand gun.

I was about to grab the flashlight and a few things I thought I might need, but I heard something. A scream but it was closer. To close. I opened the door and there it was. The image in still see in my night terrors. A person in a hazmat suit and gasmask had my mother by the arms, dragging her. I could never forget her screams, her heart piercing screams. Or the way she struggled against the arms of the masked monster. But the worst of all was when she looked at me and said for me to run. "Run, save yourself and never let them take you alive! Don't turn back for anything!"

I jolted up. Panting and pouring sweat from the reoccurring nightmare. "Damnit, I should have done something. Why didn't I do anything. I shouldn't have ran, I'm sorry." I broke into tears. And soon sobs. But as the sun came up my crying dyed down. It had been so many years since I'd seem my mother. But that seems to be the only memory I have of her.

One last tear fell down my face before the sun hit my eyes. I'm 22 years old now, I shouldn't still be beating my self up about this. If anything I should be used to this nightmare, i mean it has been five years.

I didn't feel like doing this again, I'm tired of crying. "I won't dwell on it today, I'm low on gas and u need more bullets," I spoke to both myself and the rusted silver gun beside my bag.

I drag myself up, wipe my tears on the sleeve of my olive colored coat and walked to my car. That was it. I drove around, nothing more. It wasn't like I knew where I was going. I'm the only killjoy who doesn't know their way around the zones yet.

If only I wasn't in that damn asylum for so long, but that's a different story for a different day. For now I just need bullets, and gas. And a map would be nice. And honestly a taco but that's a stretch.

After about thirty minutes of driving I see a shop of some sort... Seems legit. I have two bullets left so I better not fuck up.

I'm still not the best shot, and have worse luck than a black cat on the thritenth floor, but I'm desperate. I shut the door to the old car, scanned the area for those... Idk what their called I've been here for about two weeks, I'm still new to this killjoy thing. Anyways it seemed ok so I walked to the door of the ran down shop.

Nothing but cans of something, paint buckets, and a mattress were seen. It looks like someone stays here. Most likely a killjoy, but I'm not taking chances. I walk to the counter of the 'used to be' shop, and lucky their were the bullets I was looking for. I looked around quickly and walked to the door. But before I opened the door I wanted to know what those cans were. I reluctantly turn around towards the cans beside the matress. While leaning over to see what what the can wad, three boxes of bullets fell off and crashed on the ground, making a sound as loud as if I had shot it. Shit! I didn't check the area for anyone, only the entrance and counter. I grab the bullets and run to the door.

Once again I was stopped at the door. But this time it was different. A been of light ran past my head. One like the ones of those strange gun those strange things shoot for some strange reason. Why do they wanna kill me idk, why is this place so strange, idk. And why are they here... Yeah why are they here. "Wait!" A deep voice spoke from behind me. Once again, strange. I don't think I've heard one talk before. Why was this one speaking. Idk but I don't want to find out so Im just gonna continue to run. "Wait!" The voice repeated before I opened the car door. I turn around and there stood a tall guy in a black mask that only covers the top half of his face. he wore black jeans, a black leather vest and leather gloves. He had dark hair to his jaw line that was shaved on the side, tattoos covering his arms and that black mask that looked a little bit like Batman, except maybe more demon like.

I set the bullets down and put my hands up in surrender in hopes he wouldn't shoot me. "I didn't know anyone else was here, u can keep the bullets." I stammered in fear. Ive only had a good encounter with someone once during this apocalyptic and it was only good because they didn't shoot, rob, or kidnap me.

He lowered his gun and relaxed a little. "I'm not gonna kill you. And you can keep the bullets, I didn't even know those types of guns still existed," the stranger spoke in a normal tone. I almost forgot what normal human sounded like, I've only been around intimidating or terrified people. I put my hands down and laughed awkwardly. "What do you mean by 'those types of guns?"

"Ones that shoot a actual bullets and not lasers, it's kinda cool." He responded. "I didn't know laser guns were a thing until two weeks ago," I admitted. "Wait, did you escape battery city? How did you do it?" He asked and for some reason seemed interested in how I escaped whatever he's talking about. But I was extremely confused. And he could tell by the look on my face. "You are from battery city right?"

"No but I did escape, just not from whatever city that is. I escaped the fires, then dema, and fought to get here." Even though I could only see the bottom half of the his face I could tell he seemed interested. "I'm neon gravestone by the way." I extend my hand to the stranger since we hadn't officially met yet and I was pretty sure he isn't a threat. He pulled his make up to reveal his face the extended his hand as well. "I'm the prophet." We shook hands after introducing our selves. "Now explain to me what the hell Dema is." He said in a curious tone. "Only if you explain battery city and the laser guns... And those weird human vapmire zombie things." He laughed at my stupidity. "We should probably go inside before those 'stupid things' come through....

An: if u didn't catch in this is mix of three world's with similar messages. The world's being 'the true lives if the fabulous killjoys' 'the banditos' 'story of the wild ones' and one more that hasn't came in yet. If you don't know the bands black veil brides, bring me the horizon, twenty one pilots, or my chemical romance don't even bother reading this bc you'll be very confused. Though the tittle has neon Gravestone's name and it starts out with him, this story is  going to not be mainly about him, or just one person. Btworry this is a little cringy but it's fanfic what'd u expect. And if you're a little stupid (same) then neon gravestone is Clancy and the prophet is Andy Beirsack. The second one you gotta be stupid not to get tho 😂. Anyway I dont think this has been done before, like a crossover of these three, so as far as I know I came up with this and I'm smart (even tho I have two C's)

neon gravestone and the aftermath apocalypse// a danger days storyWhere stories live. Discover now