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Neon Gravestone's pov

I drove in silence as the sun came up over the horizon. It was too silent. I couldn't take it yet I didn't bother to taper with radio.

My vision kept going in and out. My head slowly draped down and my limbs growing weak.

It was suddenly dark.... "SHIT!!!" I yelled. I fell asleep while driving. I struggled to get control of the car. Though there wasn't much to cause a crash, it still isn't a good idea. I slowed down the car to a stop. And sat there for a second.

"How the hell did I manage to fall asleep while driving. I didn't sleep much last night but I figured I was at least a sleep for an hour. I guess not," I spoke to myself. "If only I had some coffee." I need to find a building, or something. This time hopefully with nobody in it. I got lucky last night but not everyone I run into is going to spare my life.

I hate this world, but I guess I'll have to deal with it. If only things could go back to the way they were. Before I lost it all. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. Honestly I'm glad I didn't because then I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Okay gravestone, stop being a bitch and drive. Do you want to die?" I heard in the back of my mind. Almost as if it wasn't my voice. I glanced in the mirror and there was a slight red glow across my eyes. The sun was directly in my face so my vision isn't the best right now.

I shrugged it off and drove on, and on, and on. It felt like hours and probably was. I eventually gave up. "No more driving for now," I told myself and parked in the middle of nowhere. Though there was a small shack over the horizon I found, all that was in it were shelves. I climbed to the backseat of the car. My jacket was always my blanket, not like I had anything else.

Slowly drifting to sleep, I thought of the man the prophet spoke of. 'party poison'. I remember seeing a poster of him once. All I can remember of his face was a yellow mask and bright vermilion red hair. I couldn't see his eyes because of his masked face, or the details of the mask. Only the color of his hair and mask. Before I could think of anything else, I noticed it was pitch dark.

"Damnit, Im not tired anymore," I cursed to myself. I got out of the car and sat on the hood of the car. The only thing I actually like about this place was the night sky. It was so bright, and there were so many stars scateered like smoke. Speaking of smoke... Another thing I wish I had we're some cigarettes. Smoking wasn't ever really my thing, but I could use them now.

If only I had cigarettes, or a blade, or something like that. Or better yet, I wish I had my mother. I laughed to myself. Wow I've really gotten weak over the years. I sighed and fell back on the roof of the car.

Falling asleep on the top of the car wasn't my plan.

I woke up to the sun in my eyes. I squinted my eyes and let them adjust to the bright morning. My face hurt. No. My face burned. I rolled off my car. Sadly the edge was closer than I remembered so I literally rolled off the car. I groaned and dusted myself off. I got back into the car and saw that my face was extremely burnt. This is why sleeping in the sun isn't a good idea.

I looked insane. My face was red and covered in dirt and my eyes were bloodshot. That's just great.

But the mirror in the car showed more than just my beat up face. There were two cars driving over the horizon. White cars to be exact. "Dracs!" Gun in hand i stepped out of the already opened door. But the cars stoped by the shack. They all got out and pulled their guns up towards the small shack, but instantly fell to the ground. Four people walked out from behind the shake with machine guns.

They didn't look like killjoys, dracs, bishops, or normal people. "Nope!" I rushed back inside the car and drove off, constantly looking back to see if they were behind me. Luckily they weren't.

They killed dracs, but they weren't killjoys. Two looked like they were straight from an mental institution, one wore a suit, and one wore a gas mask. Who were those people, and should I be scared?

An: hi a few things, one I know the story lines of these are a little mixed up but it's fan fiction so it won't always be accurate. And second I decided to make this story even more complicated for everyone. Btw read my friend's book frerard kids by LouTheWolfNico, parts of this are inspired by the two main characters of her book.

neon gravestone and the aftermath apocalypse// a danger days storyWhere stories live. Discover now