Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....

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I do not own any of the characters except my own. All of Twilight's characters belong to Stephanie Meyer.



I knew that every person on this Earth serves a purpose. It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, only whether or not you choose to full fill it. I knew my purpose the night of the fire. But if I started from there, nothing would make sense. After all, you never tell a story from the middle...but from the beginning....

Chapter 1

I was born to the Raven family. We weren't rich...quite the opposite. Our family was one of the poorest out of the town. I was an only child so my family didn't have many hands to work. I tried my best to contribute. I ate the least, worked the latest, and woke up the earliest. Even this wasn't enough to support my family. After the tragedy three years after my birth, I was nothing but a motherless child. My father was a drunk, not making any money, only spending. He would come home every night and ask for all my money. After receiving a couple hits and curses, I would go out to see who needed help. Nothing much changed after that. 

It was just another day, the sky was clear, no rain, which was quite rare. I was rushing to the lake to wash some clothes before my father came home. Along the way, I knocked into someone and fell down, dropping all of the clothes that I was carrying.

"My goodness, I'm so sorry." said a voice.

I looked up and saw a boy that was probably a year older than me.

"It was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going." I smiled.

He helped me pick up the clothes and put it back in the basket.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I wasn't a social person. Many of my parent's friends thought that I was a mute because I never talked.

"Your welcome. Alecxander Carter." He said, smiling.

"Aria Raven, pleasure to meet your acquaintance." I smiled back.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Raven. I'm sorry about your mother."

I looked down and blinked away the tears that were forming in my eyes. 

"I have to go wash these clothes for my father. It was nice to meet you Alec." I said.

He smiled and walked past me and I rushed to the lake.

Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now