Chapter 11

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It's been two thousand years since I fled Volterra. I have gained much knowledge, and met every vampire in existence. I act as a law-enforcer, ignoring the people who obey them, and killing those who don't. I wonder how Jane and Alec are doing. They were quite the new topic after my departure. Witch twins. That's what everyone called them. I'm quite proud of them...and their gifts are indeed, very intriguing. I have a gift too. One that causes everyone to fear me. One that makes my name travel as fast as lightening. Fear. I can cause fear to everyone around me. It can be quite useful when fighting.

I traveled to Washington...Forks, to be more exact. I felt a large group of vampires that seem to be there at that time. Using the smell of pine trees to block my scent, I climbed on a tree to see the Volturi against the biggest gathering of vampires I have ever seen. There was the Olympic, Romanian, Denali, Irish, and many others. They exchanged some words and Alice appeared along with her boyfriend, Jasper. She showed Aro what would happened if they fought. Death. To both sides. But the end of the Volturi. I see Jane and Alec try to use their gifts, but Bella prevented them from doing so. I knew I couldn't watch my siblings and creator get destroyed. Time to make an entrance. I hopped down form the tree and every face turned towards me. My long black cloak masked my face...and everyone took me for a Volturi guard. But I didn't wear their crest. 

"Who are you? How dare you interrupt a trial?!" hissed Aro. 

I ignored him and walked confidently towards the Volturi. Demetri stepped forward and tried to grab me, but I used my gift and he fell down, screaming in pain.

"Stop! Stop it please!" he screamed.

Aro looked at me in astonishment.

"Who are you?" he repeated.

"Your only chance of survival." I smirked.

"What do you mean? Get out of here right now-" hissed Jane.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You don't remember me anymore? Well. Two thousand years is quite a while." I said, taking off my hood and releasing Demetri from my power.

Gasps arose from both sides of the battlefield.

"Aria?" he whispered.

"In the flesh...more or less." I chuckled.

Alec and Jane looked at me wide-eyed.


Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now