Chapter 2

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I washed the clothes in the lake and hung them up to dry. This entire time, I was thinking about Alec. It was funny how every guy I met seems to blow right across my mind...and how he managed to stay rooted in my brain. I watched as the flowers bloomed and the birds chirped happily and freely. Free. That one thing that everyone takes for granted. The one thing I wish that I had.

"You need some help?" 

I stood up and turned around to see Alec leaning against the tree.

"No thank you. I'm just waiting for the clothes to dry, Mr. Carter." I smiled.

I looked back at the clothes and walked towards them, rubbing my hand against the cloth to make sure that it was dry. It was. I took them down one by one and folded it neatly in my basket. Picking it up, I started walking back to our village. Alec trailed behind me while I slowly made my way back home. 

"So. How is life, Ms. Raven?" he asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Very well, Mr. Carter." I said, lying, obviously. "You?"

"As well, Ms. Raven. I would love it if I could meet your father. I bet he is a great man."

I froze in my tracks.

"Umm...he's not home. Perhaps another time, Mr. Carter." I said a little too quickly.

Well, apparently, luck was not on my side. My father staggered towards the house, drunk as ever.

"Hey you! Where's dinner?!" he shouted at me.

"Right away, sir. Good bye Mr. Carter." I said, rushing towards the house, leaving a stunned Alec behind.

Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now