Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry sir...but did you say vampires?" I asked, looking very confused.

"Yes dear. We have given you a new life, a better one...of immortality. As a vampire, you are much faster, alert, and stronger than humans. As you probably already noticed, your vision and senses are much stronger than before."

He was right. But one question still remained.

"Why did you save us?" I asked.

"Because you have potential." he replied.

"Potential? What kind of potential?" asked Jane.

"I saw that weird things happened to people around you. For example, the Russells. Their children pushed Jane into the mud and their house caught on fire the day after."

"That was just a coincidence." said Alec.

"Oh really? What about the Ravens? Their little girl, Aria, helped Jane take a couple hits and bullets. Their family just won the lottery before we killed them all."

" father is dead?" 

"Yes dear. I'm so sorry for your los-"

"No! Thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you!" I said, leaping in joy.

Alec and Jane looked at me as if I was high on crack.

"Excuse me?" Aro asked a little confused.

"I'm thanking you for killing my father." I said happily.

"Why are you glad your father is dead?" asked Jane.

The room became silent.

"I......" I couldn't say it.

"Dear...please tell us." prompted Aro.

"Well...alright. There's really no use in hiding it anymore." I sighed.

Jane and Alec nodded in encouragement.

"I was born two years before the birth of Jane and Alec. My mother was a loving woman, always there for me. So was my father. Until the tragic accident eleven years ago. My mother was killed by a general when I was three...and my father was never the same again. He drunk and beat me up constantly..which was why I never let anyone meet him or come into our house."

I sadly looked at Alec, who looked like he was going to blow.

"I would wake up at three in the morning to do anything to support the family, and sleep at eleven at night. In the end, I never got any of the money. I gave it all to my father, who then spent it on beer and wine. I would never eat in the morning or at night..only a piece of bread at lunch."

I looked down sadly at the memory.

"It was three in the morning and I saw Jane getting beat up by two boys. I couldn't watch a little girl get beat up and just pretend it never happened...."

I trailed off and my eyes filled with tears that will never spill. Aro looked shocked.

"Oh my...." 

Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now