Chapter 15

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After a long tickling- I mean torture session, the Volturi finally returned with a joyous faces. Demetri excused himself, much to my delight, and went to greet his masters. A few moments later, everyone came and visit me, including the masters.

"Dear Aria, how are you?" asked Aro gently.

"Very well, master." I croaked.

"What happened to your voice?" asked Jane.

"Ask Demetri," I growled playfully.

Everyone turned towards Demetri and stared at him. I raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a triumphant smirk..

"Demetri....what did you do?" accused Aro.

"Umm...." he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

I chuckled lightly and everyone looked back at me.

"Perhaps you would like to show me, dear Aria." said Aro holding out his hand.

I grabbed it and he blanked out for a minute. When he released my hand, he smirked and faced Demetri, who was pale as a ghost.

"Demetri...your actions will result in consequences." said Aro, smirking.

He gulped and bowed shakily.

"Y-yes master." he stuttered.

I laughed and stood up since my foot already healed.

"Oh dear Demetri...I have my gift back." I smirked.

He gulped and his eyes widened in fear. I laughed darkly and turned around.

"But that's okay. I did provoke him." I reasoned. 

"So you're relieving him of his punishment?" asked Caius.

"Yes. Poor kid is white as a ghost." I chuckled.

Everyone laughed.

"Thank you Ms. Raven." he said, bowing.

"You're welcome Mr. Volturi." I said smirking.

Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now