Chapter 12

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The other side of the battlefield looked stricken. Now that I was here, they have no chance of survival. Bella's shield won't work on me. I found a way to get past a shield thanks to centuries of practice.

"Aria. It's nice to see you again." smiled Carlisle.

"Carlisle. I'm afraid I can't say the same for you. Not in this situation." I smirked.

"Please Aria. Help us. Not them!" begged Bella.

I rolled my eyes. Then laughed.

"Why would you want to side with the witch twins?" Edward sneered out their name.

I hissed and sent a wave of pain to him. I smirked as he tried to get up, but ended up screaming.

"Dear dear Edward. Get your facts straight. Here's the real question. Why wouldn't I want to side with my own best friends?"

Gasps arose from the Cullen's side. The Volturi just smirked, knowing this was an easy battle.

"Best friends?!" shrieked Alice.

"And I thought you knew everything, dear Alice." I acted surprised.

This seemed to anger the Cullens even more, earning a few wolf whistles and chuckles from the Volturi. I smirked and put my hands on my hips.

"If I were you, I would surrender right now." I said, turning my back to the Cullens and walking to Aro.

"Master." I said bowing low.

"My dear, you have returned." Aro said smiling.

"Yes master."

I smiled and looked at my long lost best friends.

"Jane, Alec." I said, opening my arms for an embrace.

They ran towards me and hugged me tightly, sobbing a little. Everyone looked shocked. After all, the witch twins NEVER showed emotion.

Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now