Chapter 3

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After several beating from my father, I limped up the attic, or I should say, my room. I laid on the bed, thinking about life and well...Alec. I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over.

The next morning, I walked down the stairs, making breakfast and leaving it on the table for my father. I usually don't eat breakfast so I walked out to tend our garden even though the sun has not yet risen. No one was out except for me, so the chilling wind made me shiver in fear and suspicion. The sound of footsteps drawn me out of my trance as I turned towards the source of the noise. A little girl was getting beat down by three boys, twice her size. My eyes widened as she tripped and fell in mud, the boys gaining on her. I sprinted towards her and shielded her from most of the blows, since I was used to them. The boys eventually left, leaving me bleeding and broken on the floor. The little girl crawled over to me, her eyes widening at the sight of my blood.

"A-are you okay?" she whispered.

I nodded, in too much pain to talk.

"Hold on. I'll get my brother."

She ran off to a small hut nearby and started pounding on the door noisily.

"Brother! Brother! Help!" she screamed.

The door opened to reveal a very sleepy looking boy.

"What sister? It's four in the morning." he groaned.

"A girl took many hits for me and now she's barely alive!"

That sentence made the boy awake completly as he rushed my way. He looked hauntingly familiar.

"M-Ms. Raven?" he asked, surprised.

"Mr. Carter." I rasped.

He gently carried me up and led me into the hut, bumping into his surprised parents.

"Alec! Wha-Who is this?" asked his mother.

"This is Ms. Aria Raven, mother. She protected Jane from those three trouble makers and got hurt badly."

Her eyes widened.

"Quick, put the child on the mattress."

Alec nodded and gently placed me on the mattress. I tried to keep my eyes open, but failed to do so as the screams around me died.

Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now