Chapter 13

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"No, no! With Aria on their side, we're dead!" Screeched Alice.

I smirked at the compliment.

"That's right, dear Alice. You are dead." I said crossing my arms.

Just then, one of the guards knocked me off my feet and pinned my arms behind my back, covering my eyes. I screamed and started thrashing.

"Help!" I screamed.

"Felix! That's enough!" Hissed Aro.

He let go of me and I collapsed on the floor, out of breath. Jane and Alec were immediately by my side, helping me up...but my foot was twisted in a weird angle. I screamed when I tried to walk and everyone covered their ears.

"Felix, Demetri, get Aria to the Volturi castle." Ordered Aro.

"Yes master."

"W-wait." I panted.

"Yes dear Aria?" Asked Aro.

"Let me help you." I panted.

"How? Your foot is twisted." Aro pointed out.

"Felix. Come here." I waved him forward.

He looked at Aro for approval and he nodded. Everyone was watching.

"I know I won't be much help fighting. But here."

I concentrated and a bubble appeared in my hands. It had black mist swirling inside if it. Everyone looked at it in wonder and amazement.

"What is that?" Asked Felix.

"My gift. I want you to have it. Help your master fight the Cullens. I can take it back when you return to Volterra."

His eyes widened and he nodded. I put the bubble in his hands and in melted into him.

"B-but what if I get...killed?" He whispered.

"Then the gift will automatically be returned to me."

"But why me? I twisted your foot and was anything but nice to you."

I smiled.

"You had the guts to protect your master from anything that could hurt them. Which was me. That's something not a lot of people have. I respect people like that."

He looked like he was going to cry.

"Now go make the masters proud. Bring pride in the Volturi."

He nodded and Demetri helped me into a limo back to Volterra.

Red as Blood, White as Snow, Green as the Everleaf Falls.....   (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now