Chapter 3: Worry

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Levi's POV

If stress wasn't enough at home, work was harder. Keeping up with the company as their CEO... it was stressful. Though it shows as a scowl on my face, seeing the twins' chaos, Iris' beautiful personality from her mother, and Eren always looking up to me. I had to be the best parent to him... after all, I loved Hanji, and had to go through everything with Eren to ensure he was okay with the changes. 

"Levi-" Jumping in my seat, I saw Erwin walking in with a small folder of paper. He was the owner of this company... I owe him. "I need you to do this-" At the same time, my personal phone goes off and I sighed. Nothing is easy... "Actually... go and take that call."

"What? Come on, I rather do the work right now then-"

"Could be an emergency..." He stares at me with a prideful smile- tch, I can't believe I owe this guy.

Picking up my phone, I looked at the numbers, not recognizing them. Shrugging, I answered the call. "Levi Ackerman."

A female voice spoke through, sounding calm. "Mr. Ackerman, your daughter, Iris Ackerman was involved in a fight-"

"Fights are common in elementary school. Why call me about this situation if it's just a tiny fight? No one got hurt or anything, right? So please-" I truly didn't understand the situation... if there was a fight, I had faith in Iris. Knowing she's my daughter, I'm sure she would've won swiftly.

She sighed heavily on the other side of the phone. "Sir, plea-"

"Tell me, did she win the fight?" I let a chuckle loose as I pictured Iris winning a fight and proving them all wrong.

"She's missing." Two words... two small words ruined my pride... and broke my heart. "I already spoke to your wife about her already, and we're contacting the police. Please sir, we're doing as much as we can-"

"Just find my daughter... please..." My voice dropped to a cold tone, and I felt it. I thought I would hear good things about Iris- winning fights, being the baddest girl, a daughter I always wanted... but then I hear she's missing... no... Hanji. If they called me, they already called her. I... I have to be there...

Erwin sighs, probably seeing my reaction. "You can go home, Levi."


His blue eyes looked gently at me- almost creepy. "I heard something about your daughter... so you should go to your family. Hanji must be pretty... well, worried-"

"Shut up. Besides, you aren't sleeping with her. Ever. Damn, I wish you won't find anyone like her. Hanji's my one and only, and I don't want you to have her."

He chuckles with amusement. "See ya later then, Levi." As he stepped out of my office, I quickly gather my stuff and raced out the doors. Knowing Hanji... she would've called Eren. And she has the twins- she wouldn't tell them. Goddammit... why did this happen today?

*   *   *

Eren's POV

With class starting in a few minutes, I had to think fast. Iris was here with me... either leave her alone-scared- or to not go to class... I did what I had to do.

"Iris, come with me..." I say, taking her hand and squeezing it tightly as I pulled her into the courtyard. Most people with their off-periods tends to hang out with their friends in the courtyard, so it would be almost normal if the security guards started to do their routine to find stragglers. 

After pulling her to the side, I walked to an isolated area- though students looked at me with a weird glance. "E-Eren..." When I turned to look down at her, I saw tears forming in her eyes. "I-I'm scared..."

Kneeling in front of her, face to face, I looked directly into her brown eyes. "Iris, please, tell me everything... everything, okay? I'm here for you..." She then wipes her eyes and nods.

*   *   *

Iris' POV

After running, I hid on the playground. I was... scared. Watching all the kids go inside, the teachers started to call for me... and soon, they came closer to me... scared I might be in huge trouble, I kept running and got lost in the small forest. Staying there to catch my breath, I waited and waited. I wanted to run to Eren... but then, I don't want to get caught.

But once I heard feet against the ground, I ran again. But this time... I finally got to your school. The bells rang and people started to leave. Then, I started to blend in with the older kids; they didn't pay any attention to me because I was a small person.

So, I started walking around, trying to find one of your classrooms, but I kept getting lost in the maze... and I started to cry. It got to the point where an adult was chasing me, but I ran from them as well. I ran into crowds of big people and suddenly, I got to a classroom and hid in it. Thinking the guy lost me, I found your backpack... but the older kids started to fill in. Scared I might be caught by one of them, I waited outside of the classroom... 

When you came, I was so... so happy! I knew you wouldn't let me down, Big Bro! I won't be let down!

*   *   *

Wiping my eyes from telling the story, I looked up to Eren. In his bright green eyes, I saw little water in his eyes as well... so I raised my hands to his eyes and wiped them away. "Thank you, Big Bro... I'm not scared anymore..."

He made a noise and hugged me really tightly! My chest started to hurt from it all. "Iris... I... your mom- Mom called me earlier... and she was very worried for you."

"Please don't take me to the police! I-I'm not a bad guy!" I wanted to cry as he pulled out his phone.

But he smiled and kissed my forehead, like Mommy and Daddy always did when I went to bed. Sometimes, he would do that to me too whenever Mommy or Daddy was too busy to put me to bed. "I won't take you to the police... but Mom is getting worried for you. And so will Dad. If you want, you can hear them, okay? I'm not tricking you." 

Nodding, I trusted him. He pushed some things on his phone, and soon, I heard Mommy's voice. "Eren?"

"Mommy!" I called out to her, wanting to cry. It was... my fault she was going to cry... and Daddy would be so mad at me when I go home- I don't want to go home! I don't, I don't, I don't! "P-Please don't take me to jail- please!"

Then, Mommy began to cry. "I-Iris baby..." She cleared her throat, "Eren, bring her home please. I'll call the school to dismiss you early, okay?"

Eren nods in understanding. "I will. See you when I get home." He smiles and takes my hand. "Come on, Iris... let's go home, okay? Don't worry... I will always be here for you, Iris... always." He then started to walk to the doors, probably to home.

"Yes Big Bro..."

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