Chapter 9: Preparing

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Iris' POV

"We're going?!" Zella started to scream a bit as Bella was helping her into a small, pink dress with sparkles. Mommy and Daddy said that we were able to go with Eren to a dance. And that we can all have fun, as long as we stick extra close to them.

Zander was the only one who didn't want to go. He wanted to stay close to Mommy... since he really loves her. But since Armin would be there... he would stay extra close to him. As well as Zella! Heh, and Mikasa promised she'll be with us. She promised! 

Eren knocks on their door while Mommy was helping brush my hair. "Hey guys... can I... enter?"

Mommy smiled and nodded, "Come in, Eren."

Once Eren walked inside, he was wearing a suit, just like Daddy would wear when he goes to work. He smiles softly and looks at everyone. Even though... he wasn't my brother... he still loved everyone the same. "You guys ready yet?"

Zander jumps off his stool and runs to Eren, gripping onto his shirt. "C-Can I see Armin? P-Please? I-I don't want to go if Armin's not there!"

Rolling my eyes, it did get annoying. He always cried over and over... and sometimes, he won't stop throwing tantrums. Whenever he does that, Daddy got mad, but he tried to do his best to calm Zander down. Mommy is the one who always promises ice cream, but also got Daddy mad but he would just kiss and forgive her.

Eren sighed and smiled. "He's here now, if you want proof. Hey Ha- Mom, you do have room for two more? Armin's parents dropped him off here for the twins and we were planning on picking up Mikasa from her house. Is that fine?"

Mommy nodded, "Should have room. After all, I got all 4 of you troublemakers. You ready Eren?"

"Yes, Mom. It's not my first dance, you know. That was years ago."

"But this is the first time you asked a girl out to the date." Mommy winks while she ties a ribbon into my hair. "Come on. I know you, Eren. Mikasa's a good date for the dance."

Looking up to Mom, she adjusts her glasses. It's funny how Daddy calls her, Shitty Glasses. Though, they don't say that in front of us... he calls her Four-Eyes, like the bullies that calls this one girl with glasses just like Mommy. Daddy also told us not to say things like his personal nickname for Mommy. "Does that mean... Eren and Mikasa are boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Iris! That doesn't mean we're dating!" When I looked back at Eren, his face was all red. "I-It just means that we're gonna go together at the dance. And of course, we're taking you guys."

"And you know Mommy and Daddy's rule: stay close to Eren, Armin, or Mikasa. No one goes alone." Mommy says. "Not without one of them."

Looking back at her, I smiled and questioned her again. "But what if I'm with Eren and I have to go to the bathroom. You told us that we can't go anywhere without one of them. Does that mean Eren has to come to the bathroom with me?"

Eren sighed. "If you were with me, I would stay outside of the bathroom and wait for you, okay? I won't let you go out of my sight. But there will be loud music, so you guys yell out our names... I'm not sure if I can hear you guys. So stay extra close."

Everyone nodded their heads before we heard a door close and it sounded like Daddy... but he was talking to someone else. Even Mommy got worried. She stood up and started to walk over towards the talking. Bella tried to hold the twins back,  but I followed Eren and Mommy.

"Erwin, please. I'll put in more overtime. Got it?" Daddy says as they walked towards his office. A big, tall man- taller than Daddy and Mommy!- and he had blonde hair like Armin. Heh... it looked like Armin, just a bit. 

But the man shook his head and he turned around. He smiled and chuckled. "I see Eren and... little Iris, I presume?"

"E-Eren..." I ran behind Eren and grabbed onto his shirt really tight. "W-Who is that?"

"You look really pretty, Iris. Going somewhere nice?" The big man questioned me. "I'm Erwin, Levi's friend-"

"A real annoying one." Daddy scoffed. "Come on, I got kids that's going to Eren's school dance. Want to leave them alone while they get ready?"

Erwin nodded. "Yeah, besides. We got a lot to talk about, and you know that. But, I guess I can let you spare an hour before they leave. And-" Once Erwin was trying to speak, I heard the twins screaming in joy as they ran out of the room. Bella was trying to chase them in a hurried manner. "Oh? More kids? Levi... last I heard from you about your kids was when it was just Eren."

Daddy rolled his eyes again. "Whatever. Just-"

"Daddy!" Zella shouts as she jumped onto Daddy. He even made a loud noise when she jumped on him. It was enough to make Daddy pick her up. "Who's that man, Daddy?"

"That's a friend of mine... I guess. You look pretty in your pink dress. You ready for the dance?'

She nods and wrapped her arms around him. "I want you to come with us... please..." Zella kept trying to beg while Zander walked over to Mommy. Now... the twins are taking over both of them. But they keep complaining that I have Eren all by myself. While they take everything else. 

Daddy sighed and kissed her forehead. "Sorry, Zell. I gotta work. Plus, Mommy and Daddy can't go. It's the school's rules... only the students and younger children only." He kisses her again and smiles. "But go and have fun for me, okay?"

"Yes, Daddy." They always... have the attention. Is that why... Eren acts differently? Because he's not loved? I hope he knows that I will always love him. 

Erwin chuckles a bit. "My, what a handful. They're sweet kids-"

"Will you ever shut the hell up?" Daddy's voice started to raise and Zella giggled. "What are you laughing at, Zell? Huh?"

"Don't you need to add money to the swear jar?"

"No. I didn't say any bad words. So I don't owe it. Who came up with that fu- that stupid idea, anyways? Fill a jar with money every time someone cusses- it's not gonna last long before everyone in this family starts to cuss."

Armin started to come out of Eren's room, saying hi to everyone before Mommy called everyone to the car. Of course, Zander and Zella ran towards her, clinging onto her. Eren and Armin started to laugh and joke around while Erwin went to Daddy's office. But before I left, Daddy stopped me so he can talk to me.

"Hey, my little flower." Mommy, Daddy, and Eren always called me a flower, because of my name. Sometimes, it's nice and sometimes it's not. But Daddy always called me his little flower. Not to Zander or to Zella. Only me. He kisses me on the forehead and smiles. "You go have fun, okay? You know the rules."

"If I can make something, will you hang it in your office?"

He smiles and kisses my forehead again. "I will. Besides, everything you make for me, I will hang it up. I promise that, okay?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Now, go and stay close to Eren. Be safe. You're my little flower..."

I smiled back to him, hugging him with the biggest hugs ever. "Yes, Daddy. I love you..." I kissed him on his cheek, which made him smile even more! He calls me his favorite, and that other than Mommy, I'm the one who makes him smile the most!

"Love you too, my little flower." I give him one last kiss on his cheek before running outside to the car to get Mikasa from her house. I have the best family ever! Even if I have annoying siblings... but Eren isn't annoying! He's really, really nice and takes care of me! But not Zander and Zella. They're mean.

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