Chapter 10: Dance

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Eren's POV

"Alright then... stay close." I say, gripping on Iris' hand. Mikasa had Zella and Armin had Zander. Already, the students started to walk into the gym. Even a few stares from a lot of kids towards all of us... like we're some kind of monsters holding little children's hands into a large high school. Can't blame them. All 3 of them nodded and stuck close to their person as we walked inside.

Quickening our pace, we walked past all the teenagers who were making out in the halls and walked over to the smaller gym. It's sad... knowing how innocent we were all. Ugh, sometimes I remember that time when Levi and Hanji married... I didn't like the idea of them kissing. But now, it's common in these halls. Especially knowing how kids were made. I guess... the knowledge of us losing it makes me scared for Iris. Once she grows older... I don't even want to think about it.

Soon, we made it to the kid section, where there was other little kids. To be honest, my adopted siblings were the odd ones out of the whole thing. All the other kids were younger, teachers' children and others. The other children were around 4 years old, running around and screaming... jeez. The children's voices were as loud as the speakers that played music for students to dance to.

"E-Eren... I'm scared..." Zander said as quickly ran to my side. He abandoned Armin to come to me... heh, cute. "I-I wanna stay by you!"

Zella soon did the same. "M-Me too!"

I chuckled softly, seeing how cute they all bundled close to me. The twins were the only ones who didn't know the truth about me... and Iris... she never looked at me with hated eyes. Loving ones... the same as before she knew the truth about me. "Alright then... wanna grab a cookie or some soda?"

Kids being kids, they cheered once cookies and soda was announced. They stuck like glue on my legs, except Iris, who was holding my hand the whole entire time. Walking towards the snack bar, I watched all 3 of them take 2 chocolate chip cookies and a plastic cup of soda. Iris took Pepsi, Zella took the strawberry soda while Zander took the orange soda. They smiled sweetly, and I knew the punishment later on. Knowing them, they'll go hyper enough to pass out in the next hour.

"Can we dance?!" Zella yelled out, obviously on a sugar high. When I nodded in agreement, she ran towards the little kids' section and started to dance. Her arms were pumped into the air and her feet moved as if she was standing on hot coals. A smile grew big on her face, and eventually, Zander joined in. 

Mikasa walked up to me, chuckling as she watched the twins. "So cute! Wouldn't it be nice to actually have some when we're older? I would think... it would be amazing..."

Smiling, I look at her, still holding Iris' hand. "Really? Mikasa, we're still juniors."

"A girl can't dream of the future? You guys, always looking at the present." She smirks a bit. "But yeah... I know we're all still young... but I really do like to have kids soon."

As she spoke, the lights may have changed the tone in the room... but her colors on her cheeks were as clear as day. Bright red on her pale, snow-like skin. Sighing, I knew it would be risky... but I had to... "Mikasa... is everything okay?"

Once my words left my mouth, her face turned more red. "E-Everything's alright! I-I swear!"

Iris started to chuckle and shouts over the music. "Eren! I think Mikasa has a crush on you!" She even had a smirk growing on her face... like she wanted to cause chaos. Jeez... if the twins wasn't enough!

"Iris!" I shouted back to her as she giggled and laugh.

"I'm going to Armin!" She shouts before I watched her run towards him and the twins. Now... I was left alone with Mikasa.

"M-Mikasa... I'm sure she was- Mikasa?" I watched her rush away from the dance. I took one debatable look towards Armin, who had his eyes on all three of them. Making eye contact with him, he nods in agreement that he'll watch the little ones before I ran after Mikasa. "Mikasa! Mikasa!" I kept shouting after her.

*   *   *

I chased her down to the empty hall. My voice echoed down the halls; certain sections were closed off. "Mikasa!" She stopped a bit and turns around. "Hey! What's going on?" My voice turned down as I approached her. Then... I saw it. Her face was as red as a strawberry while her eyes sparkled like little stars. I even felt myself grow warm.

"E-Eren... what Iris said..."

"I know, I know. It's probably not true-"

"It's true..." Silence started to fill the air after she said two words that left me speechless. "I... I do like you, Eren. Ever since... well, it seems cheesy, but I do like ever since we met back when we were kids. Like... the playdate when you were accompanied by Bella. It made me... like you more. It's stupid... I know. But... I do."

What am I supposed to say? Deny her... and I lost a friend. Accept her... I wasn't too sure if I was... ready. But Iris did ask me about Mikasa and I... did she want us to be a couple? She's too... young. Deep in my heart... I did hear it beat whenever Mikasa teases me. This whole time... did I really think it was embarrassment and not the fact I might've liked her?

Mikasa sighed, "Oh... sorry to... embarrass you. Forgive me." One look into her eyes, I saw tears forming in them. "I-I'll leave." For some reason... I reached out to her, no control over my own limbs. I grabbed her arm, startling her. "Ah! Eren?"

Then... I lost control of my tongue. I couldn't... hold myself back. "Mikasa, I do feel something towards you as well. Not just friendship- something more."

"E-Eren..." I pulled her closely and looked deeply into her eyes. "A-Are you telling me that... you like me? That... oh dear..."

I smiled softly, "And... Iris had a good idea about us... she questioned me about if you were my girlfriend. But thinking about that now... do you want to dance with me?" A smile grew on her face as she wiped away her tears. "Heh... I'm a terrible dancer, just so you know."

"I don't care... I like- no... I love you, Eren."

"I love you too..." I say to her, leaning towards her face. "But I think we should keep this secret. Iris won't stop talking about it... and it'll go up to Levi and Hanji. I don't really think I want to hear Levi's lectures and Hanji's begging to take you to my house for dinner almost every night."

She chuckles softly. "At least they care... for their adopted son." She kisses me, and we stood there... just kissing for ages. But of course, we had to break apart to return to the dance.

Nothing else happened... soon, Zander and Zella grew tired and we had to call Levi and Hanji about those two. Even Iris went along. But... I stayed here with Mikasa and Armin, all the way until 10. I couldn't bear to leave her for the night... and I realized something... I did love her. I was just... stupid to even notice it.

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